First meeting

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Couple of days later, just when Anvitha was leaving from the hotel, she realized that her car had broken down. As she paced around the parking lot, trying to book a cab, Gautam stopped his car near her and asked her.

"Hey Anvitha, need any help getting home?"

"No Sir. I will call for a cab."

"Arre, it will take time for a cab. Let me drop you home."

When Anvitha looked reluctant, he insisted "You have a kid waiting for you at home. So don't be so formal."

When she got into the car, he played AR Rahman's instrumental music, to her delight.

She looked happy "I love instrumental, especially ARRs. They are so soothing, isn't it?"

His grin widened. All his research was not in vain after all.

On reaching the house, when Anvi politely invited him in, Gautam was more than happy to come in.

Siddhu who was trying to calm down the crying baby, on being introduced to Gautam, immediately shook his hand. "Hi, Anvi was speaking very highly of you. It's very rare to hear her praise. It is like she keeps them in a bank locker or something. And only for some special occasion, takes it out."

"Siddhuuu... "Anvi shot him a warning glance.

Gautam looked around the house, "So isn't this house a little small for your entire family?"

Siddhu joked "Sir, for your fortune, even Antillia will seem small. Of course, if you increase Anvi's salary, then we can build another floor also."

Anvi pinched Siddhu's arm to shut him up as Gautam laughed. "I forgot that your talent is all about words."

When Anvi went to the kitchen to make juice for him, he scrutinized Siddhu who was struggling to pacify the baby.

Gautam took the babu from him and cuddled her close to his chest. As he rocked her back and forth, the baby fell deep asleep.

Siddhu exclaimed "Wow that's the fastest I have seen her go to sleep. Usually, the entire family gets their exercise trying to get her to bed."

Gautam looked at the baby and said, "She is very pretty."

Siddhu answered "Yes, just like her mom."

Pat came the reply from Gautam "Thank God."

Siddhu exclaimed "Hey, that is hurtful. I am not very bad looking, you know."

"But you do know that you never had a chance with a girl like Anvitha, right? With her beauty and talent, she could have picked the best guy possible."

"Which is what she did." Said Siddhu.

Gautam's eye narrowed. He adjusted his specs and looked down at the baby.

"So, what name have you decided for the baby?"

"Shivani. It is a combination of Siddhu and Anvi."

"Good. Also, if you are finding it difficult to take care of her, I can arrange for a babysitter."

That's when Anvi came back and replied "No. That's not required. Usually, my mother-in-law takes care of her, but she has not been well last few days. So, she is resting now. She takes such good care of Shivani, that I don't have any tension when she is around."

Siddhu asked "So, Gautam, you have a babysitter in your house?"

Gautam's face lost the colour, which made Siddhu realize his mistake. "I am sorry, Gautam. I just assumed you had kids. I didn't even bother to ask if you are married."

Gautam waved his hand at his apology 'Don't worry, how would you know. I don't have kids. My wife died in an accident some time ago. My parents passed away when I was young. So, I live alone in my big mansion." His voice seemed to be verge of breaking as his emotions came forth.

He looked sad as he continued "My house might be bigger than this, but your house is filled with the kind of happiness that I can only dream about. And right now, I need to go back to that big empty place." He left without another word. Anvi looked sad while Siddhu was feeling extremely guilty at raking up his memories.

The next day, Anvi was waiting to talk to Gautam when she received a call from Phanindra. A call that shook her world.

His voice was shaky as he spoke "Anvi, I am at the hospital with Siddhu. We just spoke to the doctor."

There was a moment of deafening silence as she waited for him to continue. Finally, he said "They found a tumor in her head. It is in a very dangerous position. They... They say that she has a few months left."

Anvi sat shell shocked. It felt her world was crashing again just as she began to set it up. Siddhu's mother was like a second mother to her. But now it seemed like God was snatching away her mother again. Tears dropped steadily from Anvi's eyes as she sat holding her head in despair.

That day the atmosphere at home was like a funeral home. Anvi had never seen Siddhu so serious. It was like all the fun had been sucked out of him. In the night as she stood in the terrace, contemplating why people close to her suffered so much, whether it was her bad luck, which was affecting them, Siddhu walked up to her and stood silently with his hands in his pockets.

Hearing her sniff, trying to control her tears, he put his arms around her "I know what you are thinking. Trust me, it is not your fault in anyway."

Anvi looked surprised hearing him speak of her thoughts as though he could read her mind. "How did you know..."

"I know you, Anvi." He said gently.

As she broke down in his arms, he held her closer "Shhh... I am not giving up and nor should you. I am going for a second opinion tomorrow with another doctor. I will fight to save my mother at any cost."

And fight he did. After couple of hospitals, finally he got a positive news in one hospital.

He called Anvi excitedly "Anvi, Dr Vishwanath says that the tumor can be removed. There is a risk, but there is a hospital that specializes in this. There is strong chance if we can take mom there."

Anvi happily asked "Which hospital?"

He paused for a few seconds, not knowing how she would react "St John's in USA. Mom needs to undergo the surgery in US and stay there for a couple of months. This means that I will need to stay there as well, with Mom and Dad."

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