Shivani's first birthday

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Gautam was busy supervising an event in the hotel, as part of his plans to expand the business. It was quite late, and he didn't have time to have his dinner. With the event scheduled for the next day, the stress was getting to him. He was shouting at the guys setting up the tables when Anvi walked up with a plate of food and handed it to him. He waved her off saying there was no time. Anvi narrowed her eyes and put her hands on her hips.

With an authoritative voice, she said "Sit and eat. I will handle everything."

Initially taken aback by this bossy attitude, Gautam took the food from her. It was amusing to have someone boss over him, when usually it was always him giving orders. He looked around for Shivani and found her sitting inside her stroller. He sat next to stroller, eating and watching Anvitha take over like a boss. As Anvitha supervised the arrangements, he could not help admiring her – her assertive and confident way handling of the people, her attention to detail, the calmness with extra ordinary amount of patience that she seemed to possess. 

Finally, everything was organized, Anvitha got ready to leave with the baby, when Gautam who was playing with the baby, stopped her. 

"Anvi, why don't you stay over at the hotel tonight? It is already very late."

She shook her head as she replied with a smile "There is someone important waiting for me at home. Can't leave him alone."

Gautam's smile faded for a minute "When did Siddhu come back? I thought the treatment takes couple of months more."

Anvi laughed "Arre not Siddhu, I was talking about my dog. Can't keep him waiting anymore."

Gautam almost sighed in relief and then curiously asked "By the way, do you get to talk to Siddhu often? with this time zone difference and hectic schedule."

She looked a little downcast as she replied "No. It has been days since I spoke to him. He is also tired with taking care of Mom and performing. But can't help it. We need the money for the treatment. So, we will adjust for some more days."

He nodded "Don't worry. I am.... I mean we are here for you. At least let me drop you home. It is not safe to go alone at this time."

Just as he was carrying the baby outside while happily chatting with Anvi, an elderly couple coming inside, made him halt in his tracks. 

Just the couple stopped near him and Anvi, he introduced them reluctantly "Anvi, this is my in laws. Divya's parents."

Divya's Mother looked at Gautam with disdain, taking in the kid and Anvi next to him.

"It is hardly a year since Divya died and you already moved on. How could you?" She turned to her husband and screamed "I told you; he does not care about anyone. You were adamant to invite him to Divya's 1 year shradhh. And look here, he is all happy after killing my daughter and grandchild."

Gautam's face had lost all colour, hearing her words. He did not even retaliate when she continued to curse him.

"If you think you can murder my kid and escape, think again. God has already punished you. That's why you don't have anyone to call as family. You will die an orphan, without anyone, mark my words."

As Divya's father pulled his wife away, Gautam sat down near the fountain in the hotel entrance. Distracted and distressed, he ran a hand through his hair. Every word his mother-in-law said had landed on him like a bomb. 

Anvi put a hand on his shoulder and gently asked "Gautam, are you okay? Shall I get you some water?"

He let out a breath as though he was controlling himself from breaking down. "She is right. I am a murderer. I don't deserve happiness. I shouldn't be alive. I killed my Divya and my kid. Divya died in my hands. I can still remember her beautiful eyes losing the shine as she left me." He looked at his hands as though reliving the moment. 

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