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"Andy be honest with me..." Julien began as they sat in a bar on Friday evening.

Shit. No conversation that was good ever started like this.

It had just hit 6pm and the nightlife would probably begin to ramp up from 7pm onwards. For now, others who worked in the city were simply have a well earned drink after a long week.

"Has Dove seemed...distracted at work lately?" Julien now asked as Andy felt the relief wash over him.


"I think she's got a boyfriend that she's not telling us about - no way is she staying with Amy during various nights of the week, and if she is then I hope to god that she's not rolling into work hungover. You'd tell me if she was, right?"

Andy frowned. "Which part? If I knew whether she had a boyfriend or if she was coming in hungover?"

"The hungover part more than anything. I didn't pay for her university fees just for her to throw it all down the fucking drain". Julien said, sipping at his beer.

"Well I can tell you now that she arrives on time and is always perfectly sober when I get in - as for the boyfriend? No idea". He'd kept his dad a secret from Laurie for years, so keeping this shit from Julien would be a breeze.

"Not on her phone or anything?"

Andy shook his head. "She's a good little worker. But if she is seeing someone, then just give her time. She'll tell you eventually".

Julien sighed. "She has a tendency to...date older men".

"How old we talking?"

"Well, the oldest was around thirty. Couple of them have had kids from other relationships. I've no idea what to do - I'm just worried that an older man would take advantage of her age and her in general".

Andy sat back and picked at the label on his bottle of non alcoholic beer. "I suppose she'd justify that by saying that a younger guy would do the same". His eyes looked up to Julien, who did look concerned for his daughter.

His boss now sighed. "I guess, but Helen and I are just worried that she's falling into bad habits. We rarely see her anymore, just the odd night here and there through the week. I'm not stupid, I know my kid - I do think she's seeing someone but keeping it from us".

Part of Andy wanted to just come right out and tell Julien that it was him, that he was the one and that he would never do anything to hurt Dove. That he could be trusted and would take care of her.

"If you want me to try and do some digging? I can - but she'll probably know that I'm doing it so I can report back to you".

Julien brushed it off. "It's fine, I suppose if she was coming home bruised and stuff then I'd have questions. It would just be nice to actually hear it from her and maybe meet the guy if it's that serious? At least then I can figure out whether he's good enough for my daughter or not".

"Did you meet the others?"

"No. They were never serious enough, plus I think in some ways she's scared of what we might say".

Andy shrugged at this. "Isn't every meeting with the parents first like that?"

Julien laughed. "Helen's parents were a fucking nightmare, felt like I was being questioned by the Gestapo. They probably only approved once they found out how much money I was making". He smirked.

Andy chuckled. "My mom and Laurie's parents all thought we were rushing into marriage, and I guess that we did. Even more so when we had Jake pretty much right away. But we were young, in love - that's what you do right? Don't really think properly".

"I just hope Dove doesn't rock up in a few months with her boyfriend and an engagement ring - even worse, a pregnancy". Julien pulled a face. "I don't think I could hack it".

"I wouldn't worry about marriage - when a couple came in to sign their divorce papers a few months back it pretty much put her off". Andy chuckled and felt the phone in his jacket pocket vibrate. He pulled it out and saw that Dove had texted.

Could you come home? Total shitshow of an evening already 😭

Whats happened? X

"Everything ok?" Julien asked, seeing the look on Andy's face.

"Yeah, sorry - just a friend back in Boston, got some marriage trouble going on and looks to be heading down the divorce route". He lied. "Could you give me a minute? Just gotta go make a call?"

"Sure" Julien nodded as Andy wove his way out onto the London street and called Dove.

"Andy?" She sobbed down the line as he now paced.

"What's happened?" He asked, "are you hurt?"

She cried even more. "Only bloody emotionally - you know we said I might lose friends because of us? Well I lost one..."

Andy frowned. "Amy?"

"No, no not her - just another in the group I've known forever and go out with. I mean she can be a bitch at the best of times but she just...she just..." She couldn't even get the words out as she cried again.

"Where are you?" He asked.

"In an uber on the way to yours - are you still with dad?"

Andy glanced through the window to where Julien was still drinking his beer and waiting patiently. "I am, but I can come home if you want me to? You've got your key?"


He checked his watch. "Give me a half hour tops, and I'll be with you, ok?"

"Ok...thank you".

"See you soon"

Hanging up, he walked back into Julien. "Sorry, I'm gonna have to call it a night early, need to give some legal advice" He sighed and finished his drink. "Can always carry on next week if you want?"

"Oh, no that's fine - you go. We can catch up maybe next week? Have a good weekend". Julien said as the pair shook hands.

"Sounds good, you too". Andy nodded and headed home.

Dove was curled up on the bed when he arrived back, mascara running as well as her eyeliner. Her eyes were red from crying, cheeks also red and raw from tears.

"C'mere". He sat down next to her and opened his arms.

She fell into them, crying into him again as he soothed her, one arm around her and keeping her close while the other rubbed her back gently. "They're not worth the tears Dovey, it's alright...I got you".

He let her cry it out before looking down at her. "You eaten yet?" She shook her head as she now wiped her tears away. "How about we get some takeout and hide away for the rest of the night?"

She sniffed. "Chinese?"

"Whatever you want".

"Ok..." she finally calmed and sighed "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to drag you away from dad but I didn't know who else to call - kinda just stormed out and left everyone, so Amy wasn't an option, even though she tried to get me to come back in...damn, I should really text her".

Andy nodded. "Let me get changed and then we can decide what to order. Go get yourself a drink".

"See, this is just another reason why I love you". She said, only then realising just what words had left her mouth so casually.


Dove (Andy Barber) 18+Where stories live. Discover now