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On the night of Christmas Eve and all through the city there were no cars in sight, not even Mrs. Biddy. Twinkling lights illuminated the streets as Mr. Foxxins' ad showcased some new beats. All the shops shut down for the night as their display signs shone quite bright. But not all areas remained jolly and holly. Take Colten McCulley he doesn't seem quite jolly.

As the city shut down for the night, Colten kept the lights running in Chamber Two as he tirelessly worked on "Project B.E.A.R." Pouring, steaming, and dumping substances left and right, eager to find the right formula for DNA modification.

"Log number 143," he said into the mic, "I am extracting particle cells from sample c and implanting them into vile four. So far, every vile came up a dud. Let us pray this one works."

Placing the sealed vial into a mixer, Colten stepped away from his table and approached a massive bullet  proof box. Inside was test subject number 137, sitting patiently in his chair in the center of the box. "How are you today?" Colten asked. "Starving, that's for sure," said subject 137. He grew satisfied with the man's response as he retrieved the glowing green bottle.

"With three drops of this perhaps subject 137 might have a change in hunger," Colten said, placing three drops into the water cup. As he placed the tray of food into the clear box, subject 137 approached without question. "Enjoy," he said. Observing and noting the man's behavior expanded Colten's curiosity as he waited for his desired results.

Suddenly he saw the man's eyes turn red and his body began to shake and shiver as if he was fighting an inner demon. "Subject 137's cells look to be responding with the serum as his eyes change color and his body begins to bulk up like Superman." For a few minutes Colten saw results that he knew would be good for his career, but it quickly got shot down when Subject 137 began growing fur and claws like a bear, ferociously clawing away at himself, until there was no life left in him.

Colten watched the scene unfold before him as he circled the clear box to examine the beast more clearly. "Subject 137 is neutralized by his own hands. Test 137 is a failure." Crouching low to the ground, Colten looked into its eyes as he saw the now bear's face covered in green veins like a statue beginning to shatter.

"What did I do wrong?" He whispered.

The night carried on as Colten pulled into the driveway of his humble home. Seeing a small light glistening across the curtains of the front living room. "She waited for me," he whispered with a smile.

Opening the front door he stumbled upon a sleeping beauty, rocking back and forth in her chair. "Come my dear," he whispered, picking up her lifeless body in his arms. He stumbled into the purple colored room covered in a starry sky and stuffed animals scattered across the carpeted floors.

The little princess yawned as her father placed the covers over her. With her last bit of strength she whispered tirelessly, "Welcome home, daddy. I missed you." Colten grew a sweet smile as he watched his daughter's eyes drift off to sleep, before departing for the master bedroom. There was no life, no joy as he glided down the long hallway, standing at the edge of his bedroom his expression fell to the floor.

"It's never easy," he whispered to her portrait, "We miss you. I miss you, darling."

"Wake up, wake up," Lily said with joy, "Santa came! Come on dad!" Lily dragged her father out of bed, pleading for him to follow her along. "Okay, okay," he said tirelessly.

Upon their arrival, Colten was met with a huge surprise from his older brother, James. "Uncle James!" Lily shouted, running into the arms of the tall bearded man. Colten remains frozen in time as he watches the scene play out before him. "Merry Christmas," he said, before placing his niece by the tree.

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