Chapter 3

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Drip, drop, drip, drop another gloomy day in the Murrads as the Lancasters prepare for their family debut at the officer's dinner.

The family migrated into the living room as each member slips on their final touches to an already stunning red carpet outfits; a pocket handkerchief for Aargon, gold cufflinks for Thomas, a set of silver hoop earrings for Amara, cologne for Theo, auburn lipstick for mother, and a black tie for dad.

As mom finished her make-up, she gave a rather intense speech regarding her expectations. "We will be amongst other highly decorated officers and the Dean of Trixon, so I expect everyone to be on their best behavior," she said, "Our family is united, not divided. UNDERSTOOD?" For a moment there was silence, no one wanted to agree with something that wasn't true. Until Amara said, "Yes, mom." Followed by the rest of her family's response such as, 'sure,' 'whatever,' and 'yes ma'am.'

The Lancasters set out for Trixon with mixed emotions, especially Aargon. His posture tensed up on the drive over and Theo noticed. "I cannot imagine how you must be feeling," he said. He didn't bother to acknowledge his brother's comment, completely shutting him out.

Theo figured to simply ignore it and carry on with his thoughts while he and his siblings sit in silence. That was their new favorite thing to do, sit there in silence without any means to make up an excuse to leave the function early. The rain continued to cover the windows as the car traveled through the city. Suddenly, the driver slammed on his breaks just as a piece of concrete hurdled from the sky.

Everyone in the car jerked to a sudden halt. Theo saw the piece of debris, trying to make sense of where it came from he vigorously looked at their surrounding area and caught a glimpse of something or someone jumping down from the old laboratory. "Eyron," he whispered, seeing the man's physic and glowing red eyes. Theo wondered how he got out. Shortly after, he saw what looked to be more of his kind but not bears, there were all sorts of animals: fox, hen, frog, bull, ghazal, dear, you name it. It was there. All of them spill out of the old laboratory with equipment presuming from Dr. Frail's lab.

"All of you stay here," Theo said, before rushing out of the limo. Amara pleaded with him not to leave as their brothers watched in fear. His parents in the car behind them, yelled out for him to stop but Theo failed to listen as he snuck his way into the structure. Hoping not to come across any more "friends" of Eyron.

The sound of broken glass echoes throughout the halls. He can see the creatures rustling through every cabinet and knocking down every door, destroying everything in their path. Theo's heart rate pulsed through his skin as he navigated through the busy floor, inching closer and closer to Dr. Frail's office, when he shortly came across a little girl covered in feathers like a brown owl, picking up a briefcase labeled, 'HAZARD.' He watched as she carried it through the hole in the wall, where he presumed Eyron had jumped out from. He took notice of the decapitated doorway to the office, eager to know what was left behind, Theo approached the room with caution.

His eyes grew in shock and disbelief as he saw there was nothing left, no beakers or test tubes, no large hardware, no strange things in jars, and worst of all, no Eyron. Theo believed Eyron to be a nice beast then again he's a criminal by law, there would've come a time for him to escape, at least he wasn't the one that did it. He continued to examine Eyron's cage when he heard a low growl coming from behind, fear did pierce to the surface as he thought this was the end. But then his mind settled as he saw it was only Eyron who had come back. But why?

"I see you are free," Theo said, "Your friends?" Eyron gave him a nod. He said, "What happened here today was a plan attack by the Foxin Creed. I discovered that the whistling I heard those countless nights, came from their leader. He was summoning us." Theo's eyes drew many questions as he wondered who the Foxin Creed was. Most likely men, women, and children born into a life of exile after they too were experimented on by Dr. Frail. "What happens to you now?" Theo asked, "Do you leave and never come back?" He looked into the man's eyes, hoping for an answer filled with sorrow. "For now," he said, "As far as I'm concerned we're expected to return sometime in the late winter season. Until then we hide in the shadows. I suggest you speak of this to no one. Otherwise the others will see you as a threat. I volunteered to come back when I saw you leave the motorcade. It's the only way to protect you when you've done no harm to me."

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