Chapter 7

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There will come a time when one must choose between sacrificing the victory to save all or sacrifice one for the victory. Which will you choose?

As the morning sun stretches from behind the hills, Theo awakens from his slumber to the smell of fresh coffee. "Somebody beat me to it," he said with a raspy voice. He threw on a fresh shirt and pants, stumbling out of his room with everlasting bed hair. When he enters the kitchen he sees Major Linken fixing up breakfast on the stove and Bri enjoying a hot coffee at the table.

"Morning," Bri said. Theo smiled, extending his arm for the pot. "I presume everyone slept well last night," he said, "Today's the big day." Major Linken and Bri both acknowledged him with a gentle smile and nod. When the food reached their taste buds a hunger grew within them as they began scarffing away at the delicious delights, perhaps skipping dinner last night is the cause of their appetite.

"Can you finish packing up while I help him with the dishes," Theo said to Bri, "So, any advice or words of wisdom you can bistow upon me before we go?" Major Linken smirked as he washed the plates, contemplating if he should keep it short or say something meaningful. "Let it be known that there will come a time when one must choose between sacrificing the victory to save all or sacrifice one for the victory," he said, "Who decides that is unknown." Theo allowed those words to register as they sattled up and headed to the peak where their destiny awaits.

Meanwhile, Kate arrives at the home of President Schafer and is surprisingly welcomed with open arms. "Good Morning, Lieutenant Wilson," said President Schafer, as he greets her at the front door. The President's home looked very family friendly, but with high ceilings and many rooms from what she can take in once entering the double dark oak doors.

"What a lovely home you have here," she said smiling, "Do you live here alone?" President Schafer went on telling her about the family home and its value to him and his family. They stumble across a family portrait of him, his three children, and his wife. "The children are all grown up," he said, "Both of my boys are serving in our country's military and my daughter is taking on a few charity cases in honor of her mother." Kate's mind wandered to that word 'honor.'

"Correct me if I'm wrong," said Kate, "Honor her as if she has left this earth?" She could see his mood and focus shifted to the painting of his late wife. "Sadly, yes," he said, clenching his heart, "She was the light to my darkness, the Morticia to my Gomez. I would've done anything to see her happy. Now, I see her eyes in our daughter, her smile in our eldest son, and her personality in our other son, every day."

They continued their conversation for the rest of the day as President Schafer showed Kate to her room. "Here is where you'll stay till the dinner party tonight," he said, "I'll let you get settled. Then we can discuss business in my office, say in an hour?" Kate gave him a genlte smile as she began unpacking her things. She figured this would've been an all day trip, but still wanted to pack light in case she needed to make a run for it. One can only hope President Schafer doesn't find out about their little excursion going on in a few hours.

"Now, Lieutenant," he said, "I'm sure your superior briefed you on our deal. What are your thoughts?"

Kate reimagined her time on the plane, reading and scanning every document and line that could give her some idea of what it is this deal will provide for the military. "Strategic," she said, "My only concern is the guarantee part and what exactly it is that you get out of this, sir." She saw a smirk inch across his face as he threw a stack of papers on the couch.

"I knew I'd like you," he said, "Determined to get every fact she can before making the call. I'll admit in most of these cases no one questions what it is I'll get in return, but since you asked, only one thing. Security." President Schafer went into details about his plan for change in Bellevue but how some of the people fear change and want him, well...dead. However, in order for Kida troops to guarantee him security he has agreed to hand over blueprints for a new energized weapon thanks to the boys in Talede.

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