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When Shu woke up the next morning, he felt groggy and slow, almost like a hangover, or what Shu imagined a hangover to be. His senses were dulled, and his whole body felt heavy. When he opened his eyes, he saw flashes of red over a dark black view, and the red flashes looked like slashes of blood. The voices from earlier, at the campfire returned.

"You are getting stronger, Shu."

"Listen to the voices. You need them or else you're not going to make it."

They whispered threats and violent words into his ears, and then once they were done, they were replaced by a high pitched noise, almost like feedback from a microphone. Shu wanted to open his eyes, and shut his ears, to get up and wash his face, brush his teeth, see Daigo, see the campers, start his day, but it wasn't letting him. Although he didn't know what 'it' was. He was stuck in place, only able to hear the loud drone of the noise. He tried to scream, but he couldn't. HE tried to get up, but he couldn't. He tried to do anything to rid himself of whatever was happening, but he couldn't.

He couldn't do anything.


Shu was awoken by a hand on his shoulder and sunlight in his eyes.

"Stop, stop, is it over yet?" He muttered, still half-asleep.

"Shu?" It was Daigo's voice. Daigo was the one shaking him awake. "What are you talking about? We overslept, wake up. It's already 7:30."

"Oh, yeah, right, sorry." Shu sat up and looked around. The room was normal; the only noise he could hear was birds and crickets, as well as some of the early riser campers getting up too. Shu went to the bathroom and changed out of his pajama pants. He wanted to move on from the knife, but he knew he couldn't. Should he turn himself in? Tell the nurse that that was the reason that Fubuki couldn't participate in any activities today because he would be in the nurse's office due to a stab wound. It would be the right thing to do. And he didn't want Daigo or any campers to accidentally find it, or whoever would be cleaning the trashcans, in case they cut themselves.

He lifted the lid on the trashcan. It was empty. He knew nobody came in here nightly to change the trashcans, which was done weekly during the day. Daigo couldn't have found it; Shu was the last one up and the first one in the bathroom of the morning. And none of the campers went into Shu and Daigo's room. It was nowhere. Shu decided to move on. He had today's activities to worry about.


"Good morning, everyone! It's the first full day at camp, isn't that fun! Are you all ready?" Valt paused, waiting for the campers to cheer, which they did. "We have a lot of fun stuff planned for today, so make sure you eat a lot! But also, save your appetites for if you take my beybread-making class today!" Valt really wasn't the best person in charge of baking, but he wouldn't be the only counselor doing it; he would mainly tell them stories about his family's bakery while everyone else listened to the instructor who had more, Shu tried to put it lightly, skills than him. Shu was also teaching a cooking class tomorrow, too, and a couple more times throughout the entirety of the camp. He had a pretty packed schedule today for what he'd be teaching. He was one of the more liked counselors since most people already knew him from his beyblading achievements. Zac, Xander, and Valt were also some of the more popular ones.

The table was one seat emptier; Fubuki was still in the nurse's office. The kid who was rude to Shu earlier was glaring at his pancakes and looking down. Suoh still looked uninterested, even more so now that his friend wasn't here. Two of the other campers were talking to each other quietly, and the other two were eating their pancakes quickly. They kept talking to other people across the tables. Shu sat next to Daigo, slowly eating an apple. He didn't have the appetite for more today. He got up and threw the apple core away, sitting back down. Most other people were finishing up anyway, too.

beyblade horror au - camp burstWhere stories live. Discover now