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"So, is this just a regular occurrence now?" The nurse looked at Shu, who responded with a sheepish look.

"I'm sorry, I should have been more cautious. It was an accident, I swear." Shu went along with Wakiya's story of how he 'tripped on a rock' while running near the forest. Apparently, Wakiya and Valt carried him back after he passed out, with Wakiya taking the headset for directions. They dropped him off here and told a brief story before returning to their cabins.

"It's fine. I'm here for a reason," the nurse smiled at Shu and then added, "But normally, it's the campers who are here the most, not the counselors. This has also been a record year for injuries; we have fewer beds than usual. Do you need to stay here, or do you want to return to the cabin?"

"It's fine, I don't need to stay, I'll heal up quickly."

"Yes, I'm sure you know all about treating healing with your beyblading, too."

Shu slightly laughed and smiled, "Yeah, many shoulder issues teach you how to look after yourself properly."

"Alright, then you should be on your way. Come back for pain medications; your cut was awfully deep. We will also have to re-bandage it daily and change the gauze, but it shouldn't get infected if you watch it well."

"Thank you, I appreciate it. I suppose I'll see you again. Have a good rest of your day."

"You too, Shu." She returned to the office, and Shu exited the room, slightly limping but able to mostly hide it. He decided to return to the cabin to check how Fubuki was doing running the campers. It was a short break now, and most of them would probably be cooling off in the cabins or common rooms—it was really warm today.

Shu stepped up the stairs to his cabin and opened the door slowly. A group of his campers lay on one of the beds, playing a card game borrowed from the leisure room.

"Shu! You're back!" One of them greeted Shu enthusiastically and nudged Fubuki, sitting beside her. He looked up and smiled.

"Shu, hey! How was your-" Shu shook his head, trying to tell Fubuki to talk about it later; he didn't need all of the campers to know what was going on. "How was your day so far? Glad to see you back." Luckily, he got the hint; Shu released the breath he'd been holding.

"It was okay. How have you all been doing?"

"Good, we've played some games in here to cool down, it's really warm today. We also tie-dyed some shirts; it was really cool!" One of the kids started telling Shu about their day so far; Shu sat down on a bed and listened while the kids continued their game. He counted up the kids to make sure they were all there - only missing two.

"Hey, uh, where is everyone?"

"What do you mean?" a blond girl asked Shu.

"We are missing two campers right now, Fubuki, where are they?"

"Oh, right. They are in the leisure room, playing video games." Fubuki answered, staring at Shu.

"Thanks. I'm going to check in on them while you guys stay here. Are you all right?" He waited for a response, many head nods, thumbs up, and smiles, and then went to find the others. The main reason he wanted to go look for the campers was that one of them was Kai. When he entered the leisure room, he saw the two kids playing on the couch. Kai wasn't that interested and looking annoyed, and the other boy was really into it, shouting at all the moves.

"Hey, how are you two doing?" Shu leaned into the couch to see his two campers, waiting for their responses.

"Good, as long as I'm winning! Hah - another victory!" The other boy said, smiling at Shu.

beyblade horror au - camp burstWhere stories live. Discover now