Chapter 3 🏎️

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When Navy was talking to Charles she had the biggest smile on her face and then Roscoe came jumping on Charles and giving him kisses and Navy was laughing and Lando and the other guys came in starting laughing also and Lando ask his sister did u make a friend with Charles and she said yes. Carlos said Charles will be very good with her and they will become very good friends and Charles is that kind of guy that he will protect and save his friends who he cares about. Lando said that is good because you guys know about her history and ever since she was little she was very clingy to me and now she is in her twenties it has gotten better but she can still be clingy like how she was with you Carlos. Charles was laughing also and Navy gave Charles a hug and then Lando asked if she was ready to head home and she said yes and Charles said can I walk with you guys to your car and Navy said yes and loop her arm around Charles and they began walking to Lando car.

When they got into the car Lando asked if she had fun with Roscoe and Navy said yes and she said I like Charles. He is nice and funny. Lando said yes he is. Lando said when we get home what would you want to do and she said I want to lay down on the couch and take a nap. Lando said a nap does sound good. They pulled into the driveway and they got out of the car and walked to the front door and when they got into the house Navy and Lando went to the couch and got blankets and turned the tv on and then they fell asleep with it on. While they were napping Lando's phone went off and he answered it and it was Carlos and was wondering if he and Charles can come over and hang out and they can take out. Lando said yes they can and Navy would love that she loves when you come over and I think she will be excited that Charles is also coming to cause she said she liked him. Navy woke up and looked at her brother and asked who was that and he said is was Carlos he was just wondering if he can come over to hang out and I said yes and he is brining take out. Carlos pull up in the driveway Charles came right behind him in his car and they both got out and Charles asked can I help with anything and Carlos said take a bag of take out and let's head to the door. The boys got to the door and rang the doorbell and Lando answered it. Lando went to answer the door and Navy followed and she was Carlos and then when he step out of the way there was Charles and Navy gave him a big hug.

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