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It was finnaly morning

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...It was finnaly morning.When Haru woke up he saw that Mingyu was making coffee.
(Haru)" smells so good" he says that while hugging Mingyu from behind.
(Mingyu)"How did you sleep?"
(Haru)"I don't feel my arm but I slept like a baby...or better a daddy"
Haru starts laughing while Mingyu was shy and telling him to stop.
After they both drank their coffee,Haru got dressed and he was ready to go home.
(Haru)"It's pretty late so i think that i'll go home"
(Mingyu)"Can you stay more?"
(Haru)"It's 3 pm and i think that the boys worry about me"
(Mingyu)"oh right ..okay..but drive safely "
(Haru)"i will,cutie boy"
Haru kisses Mingyu and he goes home.

(The boys)
(Jiyeong)"Where the hell is Haru?He hasn't come home last night "
(Jiho)"ughh..i think he had a little sexy time with his lover" he laughs
(Akira)"Stop worrying and come eat"
As they eat Haru enteres the room with the biggest smile on his face.
(Haru)"Lovely morning boys"
(Jiyeong)"What the fuck happened to you?Where have you been?"
(Haru)"I was chilling at someone's place"
(Jiho and Akira)"Oooooooo"
(Akira)"Yoo lover boy,what's on your neck?" He says that laughing
Haru comes closer to them so that they could see the love marks that Mingyu left there.
(Akira)" If he bit a little harder I think that you wouldn't be alive right now"
All of the boys laugh.
(Jiho)"it was a sweet night..wasn't it?"
(Haru)"Do you still ask?"
(Jiho)"I also had a sweet night..."
(Jiyeong)"Broo shut the hell up"
Haru was looking confused and the same was Akira.
(Akira)"What do you mean?"
(Jiho)"Well...if you insist ..i was at yo...
Jiyeong covered Jiho's mouth with his palm and he says"I told you to shut the fuck up?Don't you understand?"
(Jiyeong)"But do what you want ..I don't care anymore..I just tried to help.Fuck off"
Jiyeong left the place going outside really angry and Akira followed him.

(Haru and Jiho)
(Haru)"So..are you gonna tell me or not...?"
(Jiho)"I will okay...but don't be angry ok?"
(Haru)"Jiho...what did you do??"
(Jiho)"I went to your place last night and your sister was there alone....and i kissed her..and she kissed me back we ended up having sex,i'm sorry bro"
Haru was getting really angry and his face was turning red.

(Jiyeong and Akira)

(Akira)"Yoo,what the hell happened?"
(Jiyeong)"Jiho is so stupid and full of himself.I told him to stop,i tried to stop them,but they didn't want to"
(Akira)"They??..What do you mean they?"
(Jiyeong)"Jiho and Haru's sister...thay fucked."
(Akira)"THEY DID WHAT?..oh shit he is gonna go crazy"
(Jiyeong)"I tried to stop them i really tried...i know that he loves his sister more than anything...i knew that this is gonna end bad"
(Akira)"It's's not your fault "

(Screaming in the background )

(Akira)"Did you hear that?"
(Jiyeong)"Fuuck...i think it's Jiho"
They both started running towards the kitchen where they saw Jiho 's face covered in blood and Haru still punching him.
(Akira)"Haru are gonna kill him!"
(Haru)"He deserves it"
Akira grabbed Haru and Jiyeong grabbed Jiho trying not to hurt him more than Haru did.
Haru pushed Akira and went outside to calm himself. He almost smoked the whole cigarette pack.
Akira was right beside him.They haven't said a word since they left the's been 30 minutes.
Akira was trying to break the silence and asked Haru for a cigarette.
He gave him a cigarette without any word and Akira said "Are you going to stay mad at him forever "
(Haru)"How can i trust him could he do that to my sister."
(Akira)"i don't know if you know this but Ryujin likes Jiho and Jiho likes her too"
(Haru)"I know ..but he is a playboy and if my sister falls for him he might break her heart...and I don't want to see her suffer"
(Akira)"Everything must come to an end..just let them be...maybe they're gonna have a strong relationship.From what Jiho told me..he really likes her ...a lot"
(Haru)"i'm just scared that I will fail to protect her.Like i failed with my mom."
(Akira)"Listen's not your fault....your mom was sick ..there was nothing that you could just had to stay with her until her last breath.I know it was hard but i'm here for you...we are all here for you.And i think Jiho doesn't have bad intentions..i think that they could really make a good couple "
(Haru)"I don't know what to say about this"
(Akira)"Just give them a to them and then try to understand their love"
(Haru)"Okay..thank you "

They both entered the house and sat on the couch.
Jiyeong came down from the stairs and Jiho followed him,barely managing to move.
Jiho and Haru looked at each other and Jiho says
"Look..i'm sorry ..but i really like her.I know she is your sister but I don't think that i cared about someone the way i care about her. I know that you want to protect her but if you let me be her boyfriend I'll protect her myself with the cost of my life,i swear...i really want to make har happy because she makes me happy ..and if yo..."
(Haru)"Just shut the fuck up Jiho.I'm sorry for punching you and for getting angry.I just couldn't help it. But promise me,that if I approve your relationship,you will be good to her,treat her like a princess,take her on cute dates,and don't even think about breaking her heart...cuz if you do ,i'm gonna break you and then bury you alive!UNDERSTOOD!?
(Jiho)"Yes" says Jiho silently
(Jiho)"YES SIR"

The boys start laughing so hard and Akira asks "hey Jiyeong..did you catch that on camera?"
(Jiyeong)"Of course i diiiid"
They laugh and Haru says "uhh..i felt good being the older one for a moment who is the oldest or me?"
(Jiho)"i'm still the oldest but I appreciate your approval...thanks"
(Haru)"No worries...but really don't try to dump her because i will hunt you dead"
(Jiho)"okay brother ...but i need a apology for that black eye and broken will i get to kiss her like this" laughs
(Haru)"Do you want another punch?Come here Bitch"
Haru starts chasing Jiho around the kitchen and Jiyeong and Akira laugh and make fun of them.


"Yoo..guys don't sleep with your bestfriend's sister if you don't want to get a black eye..but at least Jiho got approval..right?
Stay tuned for next part.

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