Friends or enemies

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Haru kept thinking about what happened ,the whole night and he didn't got any sleep

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Haru kept thinking about what happened ,the whole night and he didn't got any sleep.
He was afraid that something bad might happen to Mingyu if he left him alone.

When Mingyu woke up Haru was still right beside him.
(Haru)"Good morning sweetheart.How did you sleep?"
(Mingyu)"Morning.I slept good.Thank you"

Haru kisses Mingyu and then he asks "Are you okay?"
(Mingyu)"I think i'm fine.Thank you for taking my part"
(Haru)"You are my boyfriend, i care about you"
As Haru says this words Mingyu hugs him and starts to kiss him.
Haru lays on the bed so Mingyu could be on top of him.
Mingyu kisses Haru's neck and bites him.
When Haru was supposed to take control over this whole situation,someone knocks on the door.
(Haru)"Who is this?"
(Akira)"It's me,open the door"
(Haru)"i'm coming"

Haru was still shirtless since this morning when he took a shower.
Haru opens the door and he sees Akira with a bowl with fruits.
(Haru)"uuuu,are those for me?"
(Akira)"Yes,for both of you.My dad told me to bring you this.Did I interrupt something?" He smirks.
(Haru)"No...of course not."
Then he whispers in Akira's ear "Yes you did,i was about to do him dirty "
(Akira)"haha..sorry bro"
Akira enters the room and says hi to Mingyu and so does Mingyu.

(Akira)"I actually came here to tell you something....Haru"
(Haru)"You can tell me anything,What happened?"
Akira looks at Mingyu and Mingyu says "I'm going to see if Ryujin is awake,you guys keep talking"
As Mingyu left Akira started speaking.
(Haru)"So?Go on ...tell me"
(Akira)"I know we are best friends...right?"
(Akira)"And I don't want to keep secrets from you..."
(Haru)"Don't tell me....HAVE YOU FALLEN FOR ME?"
(Akira)"No broo Ewwww"
(Haru)"phew...what a relief...sorry,continue please"
(Akira)"As i was know Aiki...right?"
(Haru)"Yes i do"
(Akira)"Well...while spending 6 years in Japan playing for Akatsuki, i fell for him"
(Haru)"Wait ...what?"
(Akira)"Yes ,i fell in love with him.And he loved me too.So we were in a relationship for about 4 years..."
(Haru)"whaaatttt?I knew something happened when you two were fighting on the court."
(Haru)"Yess...i heard him saying "you were not like this when we used to be together " "
(Akira)" heard that too??Did the boys hear it too?"
(Haru)"No ..I don't think so.So what happened actually with both of you?"
(Akira)"I caught him cheating on me with another teammate.So we had a fight and broke up,and that's why i moved back to Korea"
(Haru)"Ohh...i'm sorry man.Do your parents know about this?"
(Akira)" dad was with me when i caught him cheating so he kinda figured things out...and eventually i told my mom too.I just felt the need to tell you."
(Haru)"Don't worry.I appreciate your trust and i'm here for you whenever you need me..okay? You can talk to me about anything,we are like brothers"
(Akira)"Thanks man"
(Haru)"love yaa" he winks
(Akira)"love u too"
They both hug each other and then they left.
Akira went home and Haru went to Ryujin's room to look for Mingyu.

Haru was knocking on Ryujin's door so multiple times but no one he kept knocking until Jiho came to the door.
(Jiho)"Why were you knocking so hard on the were about to break it"
(Haru)"Is Mingyu here?"
(Haru)"Akira came to talk to me so Mingyu said that he will come to your room to talk to Ryujin so he would let me and Akira talk alone"
(Jiho)"Bro...i just woke up because you were knocking to hard...he is not here,and Ryujin is sleeping"
(Haru)"Then where the hell is he?"
(Jiho)"C'mon,let's look for him together ."

While Ryujin was still sleeping,Jiho and Haru went to look for Mingyu.
They looked everywhere,they called everyone except one person....
(Haru)"Where could he be? We searched everywhere "
(Jiho)"We have just one place left to search...."
(Haru)"Don't tell me....Do you think he is there?"
(Jiho)"There is only one way to find out"

They both started running towards that place...
Haru kept knocking on that door but no response...he finally got so angry that he bumped into the door with his body and he managed to open it.

As he thought....Mingyu was there

Jiho was left with no words when he saw Jiyeong on top of Mingyu,shirtless,kissing all over Mingyu's body.

Haru ran over to them and he pushed Jiyeong away without saying any word.
Mingyu was asleep and wasn't moving at all.
Then Haru rushed to Jiyeong and started punching him as many times as he could...but Jiyeong also started to punch Haru.
He practiced Taekwondo....he was good at fighting.
Jiyeong punched Haru so hard that he was left unconscious.
(Jiyeong)"Knock out asshole"
Jiyeong showed his middle finger to Haru who was now on the floor.
(Jiho)"Yoo wtf man...what did you do to him..."
(Jiyeong)"I punched him to hard and he is unconscious now...take him to his room...i want no piece of garbage in my room"
(Jiho)"What have gotten into you?You are not like this?WTF man...and what about Mingyu...why is he sleeping ?"
(Jiyeong)"I drugged him"
(Jiho)"You what??"
(Jiyeong)"We meet in the hallway,i asked him if he was ok,he said that he was fine,so i offered him a bottle of juice and I invited him to my room.He came in my room and that's when all happened...i poured the juice into the glass and i've put drugs in it."
(Jiho)"What the actual fuck is wrong with you man"
Jiho takes Mingyu first and takes him to his room and then he comes back for Haru and does the same.

After 30 minutes Haru wakes up.He was confused and his head was spinning.

(Jiho)"It's okay man,take it easy.He is here.He is safe"
(Haru)"What happened?"
(Jiho)"He punched you to hard and you blacked out "
(Haru)"No...i don't care what happened to me. What happened to Mingyu..why is he still sleeping?"
(Jiho)"That psychopath drugged him"
(Haru)"Oh fuck fuck fuck....Mingyu...Mingyu...wake up....why is this happening to me?I failed to protect him....I failed in protecting everyone.I'm so sorry....I'm so...."
(Jiho)"'s not your fault,you are a good person,you just wanted someone to love you"
Haru puts his head on Mingyu's chest and Jiho petted his back...

After Mingyu woke up he was still dizzy and wasn't feeling they decided to go to Akira's place and stay there for the night.
Haru talked with Akira and Akira came to pick them up and give them a ride.

As they arrived there,Akira's mom hurried to hug them after hearing what happened to Mingyu.
Mr.Fujimoto took care of Haru's injuries and made them both something to eat.
After they were done eating Haru took Mingyu to sleep and he stayed a little bit longer for a chat with Akira.
While staying on the front porch and smoking their cigarettes Akira suddenly asked
"Are you gonna stay mad at him for this?"
(Haru)"How could i forgive him?"
(Akira)"You guys have to talk"
(Haru)"I don't know what happened to him but he is not my friend anymore "
(Akira)"We were friends since childhood...we practically grew up together.You can't end it here"
(Haru)"But why would he do that..He knew that Mingyu is my boyfriend and he still did it."
(Akira)"I'm sorry for not telling you...but he likes him too since..I don't know ..before you"
(Akira)"Yes...he was so jealous when you guys said that you are in a relationship...he was mad..but not at you,at himself"
(Haru)"But still,Mingyu is now my boyfriend,not his boyfriend "
(Akira)"I know.What he did was unforgivable...but you are adults,you have to talk it out somehow "
(Haru)"I'll try talk to him.But that doesn't mean that i will forgive him"
(Akira)"Okay tough boy"
They both laugh and continued their chat until 2am.
They were ready to go to sleep when they heard someone knocking on the door.


Ohh,how could Jiyeong do that...again???
But still,who could be at the door at this hour ?

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