Chapter 3: Beach for the Stars

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After a bit of confusion, and buying more cookies from shopping online, the whole thing was cleared and they had a small talk. Saori, Midoriya, Leo, and All Might.

Izuku: So All Might's your dad and Endeavor burned your old house down and killed your mom, dad, and grandpa?

Leo: Yep. They call him a hero, yet look.

Izuku: And you trained with a ninjitsu clan for 3 years before learning martial arts by yourself?

Leo: Yeah.

Izuku: And your quirkless?

Leo: Yep. And you probably forgot, but here is my best friend, Saori Takahashi.

Izuku was flustered. He never had experience with girls, and Saori was already kind of cute with her elegant looks yet also her personality.

Saori: Yep. Ever since he moved in here, we've been buds. I've also been he one to keep him on a leash whenever he talks the wrong way.

Leo: And I'm the one who tutors her so she doesn't fail her classes.

Saori: Hey! I'm getting better! I got a A on my math exam!

Leo: Whoop dee doo.

Saori: Dang right! An accomplishment is an accomplishment!

Izuku: So All Might, who is he?

All Might: He's my son!

Leo: Adopted son.

Saori: With that personality, I'm surprised people don't assume that already.

Leo: *sigh* All Might, kid's got spunk. But giving him something like that when he looks like he can't even do a push-up is like needing to cool yourself down and heading to Antarctica.

Saori: Uhhhh-

Leo: Too extreme. Like going to hard mode when you're a beginner.

Midoriya: All Might, how did you meet him exactly?

All Might: He was just a child. Usually, I'm able to rescue children and their parents, but this was quite the exception. Unfortunately, as a kid, he believes Endeavor burned down his family's home and killed them while kidnapping his siblings. I keep trying to talk to him, but he doesn't want anything to do with me or even hear about Young Himura.

Midoriya: Oh. But why didn't you take him to an orphanage?

All Might: Honestly, this decision was made on impulse and also a reminder to be stronger and a better hero.  But over time, I came to see him as my own son.

Izuku: That's so sweet!

All Might: (Also, he's good with housework and chores and also a good cook. I couldn't remember the last time I tried a home cooked meal before he turned 9.) So Leo, pack your katana, Bo staff, and archery gear!

Leo: Ok!


In the Todoroki Abode, Kenta and Anna were inside currently doing their own thing. Anna was reading a magazine on heroes and fashion, while Kenta was doing homework.

Anna: (Geez, Temporal. How many girls do you have?)

As the black and white haired girl was reading a section of her magazine on Makoto's advertisement, she heard her brother groan and she looked up from her magazine to see.

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