Swordplay Pt 1: Duel

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(A/N: I made up a few things for the plot of this story. Those who play Wii Sports Resort will understand what I'm talking about.)

Y/n's POV

When M/n and I reached the arena, we saw a panel with two armor stands. One blue and one red. M/n took the blue one and I took the red one. We put on our armor and grabbed our swords just as the ring started to rise out of the water.

M/n and I stepped onto the rising ring and heard loud cheers. When the ring stopped rising, we saw all of the seats were filled with all of the miis on the island. Everyone was cheering for both of us.

We walked to opposite sides of the ring, facing each other and gripping our swords tightly. Once we were ready to begin, we stepped toward each other until we met on the blue circle in the middle. The countdown starts.





M/n takes the first swing, nailing me in the side, causing me to slide back a bit. She goes for another swing, but is blocked by my sword, causing her to stumble back. This gave me the opportunity to swing my sword, striking M/n in the leg, causing her to slide back more.

Now M/n was on the red circle and one more hit will cause her to fall into the water below. As I was about to make another swing, M/n blocked it. I stumbled a bit, but regained my balance instantly. I then took the chance to swing and hit M/n in the side and then quickly swung and hit her on the other side, knocking her off the ring. M/n tumbled down and landed in the water with a loud splash. The crowd cheered loudly.

I won.

I walked onto the platform as it lowered down to the ground where M/n and a few worker miis were. M/n was dripping wet and had a towel around her shoulders.

Y/n- "Hey M/n"

M/n looked over to see me walking over to her and held out my hand.

Y/n - "Good game"

M/n smiled and grabbed and shook my hand. I removed my armor and handed them to the worker miis and gave our farewells as we went on our way.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 21 ⏰

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