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chapter 1: 27th of august

day before new school year.
pov: joshua (new in school)

my family and i moved, one again, and i had to switch schools, once again.

i arrived at the dorm for the new highschool i'd be going to.

in the letter that i had gotten from the school was written that i was in dorm room 13-3-1-17.

i had looked up the dormitory situation for the new school and i quickly found out what the numbers were for.

!!!!!!(authers note: maybe i should mention this, its a highschool specifically for music, its basically a huge kpop company but with all labels you can think of -> hybe, pledis, bighit, yg, sm, kq, cube, starship, jyp etc)!!!!!!

the first one, for me 13 was the amount of people you lived with.

i dont know if i should be laughing or crying.

the second number, 3, stood for the amount of units (in my case)  or like rooms incase a group as a whole didnt have extra subunits as a band releasing music in the future.

!!!(authors note::: im going to do only if the groups have official sub units like in seventeen, so most of the other groups will have a 0 where svt has a 3.)!!!

the third number was the same for every dorm, it means that we are one (1) team and that we're going to achieve everything together as one.

the last number was only for the dorm i would be living in. the other dorms would have their group name but the guys in my dorm, and now including me, our band is called 17 (SEVENTEEN/세븐틴).

i just arrived at the giant school and knocked on the principals door.

i waited until i heard a friendly 'yes' for me to enter.

i entered the office and was greeted by the principal herself.

she told me where everything was and she also gave me a key to the dormitory i would be staying in.

i said my goodbyes and went to the next exit just to enter the dormitory building a few steps away.

it was death silent. i heard nothing, i was pretty sure though, that it would be very different tomorrow since school would start again.

i went to the big staircase and made my way up to the second floor.

my parents had brought my stuff to the dorm yesterday or something like that so it stood outside of it.

i went in and no one was there.

i mean yes, it's still the holidays but like, how do i know where everything is?!

i brought my stuff into like the hall and went around the dorm to look for a bit.

it was a really big room, not even a room, almost a whole apartment.

i made my way down the hall, you basically went theough the door and there was a huge hall just right through the whole place except for the quite big living room which was basically there as soon as you entered.

down the hall you had five doors.
on the first to the left there was a picture collage of four guys all over the door. they looked really nice. above the collage in black letters was written: PERFORMANCE UNIT

opposite of the performance units room was another door with nothing on it except for: HIP HOP UNIT, which was written in dark blue letters.

a bit further on the right side there was no door but a small entrance to what seemed to be the kitchen. there was enough room for like five to six people being able to fit in at once and for them to being able to move around.

opposite the kitchen was another door. on the door there were five spots for a portrait and the name.

four were filled: lee jihoon, boo seungkwan, yoon jeonghan and the next guy was actually quite familiar his name was lee seokmin.

next to seokmins name and portrait there was my name
"hong jisoo (joshua)" and portrait.

i enterd the room and got hit on the head with a cushion. i stumbled backwards out the room door but went back in immediately.

„who are you and why did you hit me?!" i asked the person. „im literally just your new roommate, or do you even live her?! wait... seokmin is that you?"

„oh... hi. i thought you were a robber or smth. hi josh~ long time no see, how are you?"

seokmin continued to ask me questions since we hadn't seen each other in multiple years.

we had been in the same elementary school but i moved away in fourth grade.

and now, destiny and or fate chose to bring us together again.

he explained the units (the rooms) telling me that we were on of the school bands that was yet to debut and that i would have to practice with them to be prepared.

i was a bit worried since i dont have much experience in dancing. my singing is not bad though, thats why im in the vocal unit.

he noticed my worried expression and comforted me saying: „dont worry josh, you're going to do great, and the others are all so super nice. you dont have to worry about anything"

i have him a hug to thank him for the comforting words and asked: „could you show me where i sleep etc?"

he proceeded to show me our room shared with the three other guys that weren't here yet and told me where i would sleep.

i put away my stuff and asked seokmin what we could do today.

„we could watch a movie if you want?!" he suggested and i agreed to it.

we went together to the living room and switched on the tv, we noticed that on channel 7 they played harry potter and we decided on watching that, otherwise we could've watched lord of the rings but we decided on harry potter.

after the movie seokmin said that he had to go home bc he still needes to bring some stuff, he said that he would be back tomorrow.

„okay, then see you tomorrow!! btw, whats your first class?" i asked him.

„i have singing as my first my class, you should too, every monday, wednesday and thursday we have like the whole day for us as the vocal unit because we have to write and produce at least one song every week to present on each sunday so pledis can decide if we are good enough to stay here, so as soon as we get into this school, we basically have to fight on and on and on until we're able to graduate. so I'll see you tomorrow in our vocal room, its in the school building room  V5-3 its on the third floor."

„thanks for the information seokmin!! I'll see you tomorrow, get home safe!"

„your welcome, see you tomorrow!!"

the door closed and i didnt know what to do with my started afternoon.

after a few moments of just sitting on the sofa and spacing out, staring into nothingness i decided to stroll around the dorm building.

i went outside of the dorm i would be living in from now on and made my way to the door of the room right next to ours.

the room next to ours was labeled 5-0-1-???.


any guesses who would live next to seventeen??

how do you like it until now?

im satisfied with this first chapter but please give me feedback and feel free to criticise my writing. i want to become a better writer.

have a nice day/night!!


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