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chapter 3

last day before school start and
first day of school: 27th-28th of august
pov: joshua

seungkwan, soonyoung and me gathered around the kitchen counter to prepare dinner.

it had been a long day and all three of us were hungry.

i quickly new what minnie meant with that they can be very loud but i loved it.

we decided on making ramen since its easy and quick to make.

seungkwan boiled the noodles and soonyoung put the seasonings in and stirred it together while seungkwan put in a few more vegetables and egg to complete it.

i set up three bowls and our chopsticks to eat together.

i said thank you for the meal and it was silent, all the three of us were eating our food silently since we were so hungry.

after we ate up, i decided to do the dishes as a thank you for the good food.

„how about we watch a movie?!"

soonyoung suggested and before seungkwan or me could say anything he was already out of the kitchen running as fast as lightning to the living room, puting the tv on.

he didn't find anything good to watch so we all went to the vocal teams room and sat on seungkwans bed making it very comfortable and relaxing with all the blankets and cushions.

i smiled recognising one of the cushions as the one seokmin hit me with earlier today.

„so, are you excited for our vocal team practice tomorrow?" seungkwan asked me after a few seconds.

„yes, im not that confident since i haven't been into singing and also dancing for long..."

„im sure you'll do great, dont worry!" soonyoung reassured me.

3rd person p.o.v

soonyoung, seungkwan and joshua continued to talk for a while and lost track of time.

it was already 2am when they noticed that they should probably go to bed since they had a long school day ahead of them.

soonyoung went over to the performance units room after he said good night to seungkwan and joshua.

before seungkwan and joshua turned of the light, seungkwan informed joshua about their schedule for tomorrow.

since they have individual practices as units on mondays, wednesdays and thursdays they basically were free to start their day whenever, they just had to produce or prepare a song for them to present on sunday.

seungkwan also told joshua that the others would probably be at the dorm at around 7am since they also have individual practices in their own units.

joshua turned the light of.

„good night seungkwan, thank you for the afternoon and evening today. sleep good."

„good night josh!! sleep well."

joshua p.o.v

i layed in bed for a while thinking about the day.

it was such a great day, im so happy to see seokmin again. i really hope that i get a long with the others as well.

soonyoung and seungkwan are also so sweet.

im so excited for the vocal practice tomorrow, im also a bit worried but seungkwan and seokmin will be there so maybe it wont be bad!

3rd person p.o.v

with those thoughts as the last of his day he closed his eyes and fell into a slumber.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 08 ⏰

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