Chapter 17

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"Sit down Dante" I tell him and he does. "You have him wrapped around your finger" Eris says, laughing. Dante glares at him but doesn't speak. "Maybe he just knows that I'm telling him to sit down for a reason" I say smiling.

I point my gun at Eris's leg and shoot. "Athena! I said more shooting people today!" Dante yells. "Dante, do you think I fucking care?!" I say, while Eris screams in pain. "Let him go Antonio" I say looking at him, but he doesn't listen.

"Antonio let him go before there's a bullet in your leg to!" I yell but he still doesn't listen. I Point my gun at Antonio's leg. "Antonio let him go" Dante says and Antonio finally lets him go. Eris falls to the floor immediately making me laugh.

"Don't fucking laugh at me! I'm in pain!" Eris yells sitting up. "I'll do what I fucking want. You laughed at me when I was in pain so why can't I laugh at you when your in pain" I say. "So you want us to let you leave right?" I ask and he nods.

"Awww but I don't want you to leave. I want you dead" I say walking closer to him. "Athena how about we have someone take him to a warehouse and you can decide what you want to do later" Dante says and I nod.

"Yeah. That's a good idea" I say walking over to Dante. I set my gun on his desk as 2 men come in and take Eris away. I sit on Dante's lap and close my eyes. "Are you hungry?" Dante asks and I just nod.

"Antonio go get her food please" Dante says and Antonio leaves.

30 minutes later

Antonio walk in with pancakes that have strawberries in them. "Antonio are you trying to fucking kill me?!" I raise my voice, and he laughs. "Yeah I am you bitch! You pointed a gun at me!" He yells and I stand up immediately. I walk out of Dante's office and go into his room.

I lay down on his bed and close my eyes.

20 minutes later

"Get the fuck out of my bed you whore!" Dante yells at me and I flinch. I don't feel like fighting with him so I just walk out and go to my room. I go into my closet and sit on the floor. "Athena what's wrong?" Aphrodite says. I didn't realise she was standing there.

"Dante just yelled at me and called me a whore.." I say, confused. "What?" She says, also confused. "Antonio tried to kill me" I tell her and she storms out of the room. She comes back in 5 minutes later with Antonio.

He looks at me with regret in his eyes. "Athena are you ok?" He asks sitting on the floor beside me. "He called me a whore.." I tell him and he looks at me shocked. "Why?" He asks and I shrug. "I'm sorry for calling you a bitch and trying to kill you. I was just mad because Dante always sides with me" he explains and I nod.

Dante walks in and and Antonio glares at him. "What the fuck do you want Dante" he says. "I want to talk to her. Alone" he says looking at me. "No. You just called her a whore for no reason!" Antonio yells at Dante. I bring my hand up to my forehead. They continue to yell. "Stop yelling" I mumble just loud enough for them to hear me.

They both look at me, confused. "Amore what's wrong?" Dante asks picking me up. "My head hurts really bad" I whisper. He takes me to his room puts me on his bed. I lay down and close my eyes. Dante gets in bed with me but doesn't try to pull me close. I fall asleep almost immediately.

In the morning

"Athena get up. Your leaving" Dante says and I wake up confused. "What do you mean I'm leaving?" I ask. "Your parents are here to get you" he tells me, not looking at me.

"How?! How did they find me?! Dante don't joke with me! Your joking right?! Dante please! Tell me your joking! I can't go back! Dante don't let them take me! Dante you said you would protect me!" I start raising my voice at him. I get out of bed and go into a corner.

I slide my back down the wall till my butt hits the floor. I curl into a ball and try to focus on breathing. "Get Aphrodite" I mange to say still trying to focus on breathing. Dante goes and gets Aphrodite. When she sees me she immediately sits down with me. She grabs my hands and I look up at her. "It's ok. You aren't going with them I promise" she reassures me and I nod.

She grabs my phone and my headphones. She connect my headphones to my phone and puts them on me. She plays music and then gets up.
Although I can't hear what she is saying I know she's yelling at Dante. My breathing starts to get shaky again. "Aphrodite" I say getting her attention.

She walks over and takes off my headphones. "Your not leaving. I will kill everyone in this fucking building before I let them take you" she tells me. "Don't lie to her. She is leaving. She has a fiancé" Dante says and I look at him. I shake my head.

"I don't have a fiancé.." I say confused. "Well your parents said you do so your fucking leaving whore" he says, starting to get annoyed. "No" I say and he looks at me surprised. "You don't get a fucking choice!" He yells. "I'll kill myself before I go with them!" I yell standing up.

"It's not that bad! They are your parents your fine stop being dramatic!" He yells and I just want to disappear. "If you let them take her, then I'm done working for you. I will not let my best friend get killed because your insecure!" Aphrodite says blocking me from his view.

"She won't get killed! It's her fucking parents not a murder!" He yells. "They will fucking kill her! They don't want her! Didn't you not hear me when I said her parents abused and abandoned her?! If you let them take her, then I'm gone" she yells at him.

Antonio runs in and looks at me. "They are taking her and that's final! If you want to leave then go! Get out of my fucking house bitch!" Dante yells at Aphrodite. "If she leaves then so am I.." Antonio says getting Dante's attention. "Antonio... are you seriously on their side? Your my best friend" Dante says.

"Her parents are horrible people! Dante they have connections with the French mafia do not let them take her" he tells Dante. Dante looks at me, angry. "You have connections with the French mafia?! Get out! Get out of my sight you fucking whore! My men were right" Dante yells and I stand there without any emotion on my face.

I see his lips moving but I don't hear anything. My vision starts going blurry but I don't freak out. "Aphrodite, catch me" I whisper and she immediately knows what's happening. She grabs me before I pass out.

New chapter!!!!

Very drama filled chapter

Love you all so very much and I really appreciate all the support!!

I hope I can get a lot more chapters out soon!!

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