The Black King.

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Cat Adams wasn't bad at a lot of things, in fact, she had an IQ of 187 like Spencer Reid, her unhealthy obsession, however, she wouldn't deny how bad she was at computers, even using a manuel, she somehow still messed up. Her compters were all very old, and they were slow as hell, probably due to all the viruses on them, she had enough of the hastle and pain in the ass it was for her to do work slower than she should, so she decided to put up ads around town for a technical analyst of her own.

What Cat wasn't expecting was to get The King of tech on her side, she was sitting in her office, tapping her pen on the desk, hearing the sounds of footsteps approaching, she looked up to see one of her bodyguards standing next to a skinny white male with curly dirty blonde hair and blue eyes, holding one of her fliers, and the first thing out of his mouth immediately made her want to shoot him dead. "I see a certain Kitty Cat needed a dog's help?" He literally said a shitty cheesy pick up line at first meeting? He has to know she's a serial killer right? If not, then he was about too.

Cat immediately stood up from her desk and pointed her gun at this guy without hesitation. "Call me anything other than Miss, ma'am, Miss 45, or Cat, and I will kill you. I hate my father, so never call me Miss Adams, and don't fucking call me Catherine either, I hate that too. And don't you ever fucking call me Kitten." She said with the most deadliest stare imaginable. There was certainly fire in her eyes.

This man didn't even flinch, he just stared at her with a smug ass look on his face, almost as if he was asking to get shot right then and there. He laughed, he laughed at the fact he was facing death, Jesus Christ this man had a death wish alright, and that death wish was to get shot by Miss 45. "Aww, and just when I thought I could have fun with you. Nice false advertising when you're known for whoring around." Which was true, she was always sleeping with men to get her way. "In that case. You can just call me Shane, or The Black King, or even Your Majesty will do." Jeez, this guy had a huge ego-

Cat was shocked when she heard the man say he was The Black King, the Black King- like damn, she blinked a few times before slowly lowering her gun, she signaled for her bodyguard to leave which he reluctantly did, she motioned for Shane to take a seat across from her. "The Black King huh? Well don't forget where you stand here, I'm always the cat in a game of cat and mouse. Normally mice don't fall into my traps. Let alone walk right into them willingly, so why do you want to work for me?"

Shane loved this, her mind was crazy and her analogy was cute, he could feel his cheeks heating up as she asked why he wanted to work for her, he wanted to compliment her, but he decided not to yet, he didn't want to actually get shot. "Well for one, I need the money, I can't keep living at my moms when I can't pay rent because the economy sucks ass. And two, I guess I just have nothing better to do? My job has become too easy and I need a challenge and someone who can give me shit to do that I actually enjoy, so I won't really mind too much being told what to do."

That made sense, and Cat wasn't about to argue those points, at least she knew this guy has living family, maybe she can use that as leverage when he decides to try and quit, just like the rest of them. "Hmm... Well, I'll need you to prove to me you are who you say you are and afterwards I can get you started, then again, getting you started is provimg who you are... I need you to go from computer to computer and update all of them so they run good."

Shane smirked, he could certainly do that, he nodded as he took out his laptop from his backpack, he proceeded to plug it in, he opened up the laptop and set it on the desk, he began typing away, what was he doing? What he does best. Hacking into shit. He hacked into all of the computers and started a mass update.

Cat was a bit confused at first, until she slowly moved from her side of the desk around the other side to look at what exactly Shane was doing on his screen, and she was shocked, so shocked she couldn't find the right words to say, so she said the first thing that came to mind. "Thee King of Hacking. Damn~" She was certainly impressed by the way she said that, hell, she even shocked herself at what she said and the way she said it.

Shane smirked at her words of encouragement, it was certainly stroking his already huge ass ego, he decided to play into what Cat had just said, hoping that he wouldn't get shot for the words that were about to exit his mouth. "Maybe I'll let you call me Mr 45, if that title isn't taken. Or maybe I'll staeal it, like how I stole documents from the FBI." Jesus, this guy really didn't care that she could kill him.

Cat smirked as he said that, hut she decided to not comment on this yet, she was still the Cat in this game of Cat and Mouse, and she was going to prove it. "Alright, you're hired."

This begins the start of something beautiful... And a very huge trainwreck.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28 ⏰

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