Part - 18

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   Tae took some damn deep breaths...  He wiped off the tears that came out without his access....

      "One of the decisions that I'll never regret is getting into the car that day " , Tae said without looking at her....

      Yn looked at him in silence and listened to her man confessing his earlier life...

       "He took me to his mansion,  he fed me good food,  gave me good clothes and he never met me for a week"

          "After like a week when I was comfortable with the maids he came and took me somewhere..."

         " He said me that he'll introduce me to someone, and he did . that's my boys "

        " When I first met them I was a bit scared, they all gave me different aura and I thought I'll be doomed"

         He said and chuckled thinking about his old version....

      "I even isolated myself, but that guy you know Your oppa,  Jimin he came to me and talked with me first "

      "He came to me and lend his hand for a handshake.... He used to be chubby, with dumpling cheeks,  and his lips so perfect... Now he's grown up, everything except his height "
     "He made me talk with others, he made me laugh, he really made me realize the meaning of soulmate.... "

    "And yes somehow I got closer to everyone...  They all has become my brothers...  They pampered me like I'm a baby...  I used to be their favourite kiddo till jungkook's arrival "

     " The day jungkook arrrived is the last day I got all attention,  since then he got all attention, And I hated it,  I hated him, Everyone talked about his doe eyes,  They all started pampering him"

       "Everytime he comes to me, I threw a tantrum , I scolded him and so on.. The hate I had for him grow with me"

       "After we all beame adults he trained all of us,  he showed what really a life is...  He made us mafias individually "

        "He's like my dad...  My dad Bang PD"

          "Bang PD?? " , she exclaimed at the weird nickname...

         "Yeah!  That's how we call him,  he loved us like his own sons! We were all good until that brat motherf_cker Alex come into our life "

        "He used to work at the mansion where we all lived,  he talked nicely with us...  We treated him more like a friend!  But ungrateful brat he bite the hand that feed him"

Flashback :

    Before some years at PD nim's mansion!

      (Namjoon, Jin, Suga amd JHope were to Ulsan for business leaving the young buddies in seoul)

      (Namjoon, Jin, Suga amd JHope were to Ulsan for business leaving the young buddies in seoul)

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Time 9.30 pm :

      "How long are you going to hold a grudge?", asked Bang PG making his way to the couch where  a man was sitting with a ice cold look...

       He turned to meet the eyes of Bang PD and turned it back once he caught a gaze....

       "Taehyung! You're not a child anymore to fight over little things", he exclaimed with disappointment...

      "I know! And I am not fighting over little things", Taehyung said in a hoarse voice...

       "Seriously! Taehyung did you how much jungkook seemed hurt? Can't you see the pain in his eyes, Can't you see how hard he's trying to befriend you", Bang PD roared controlling his anger....

       Taehyung looked at him in amusement and shock....

    "So you're scolding me over that little boy??",  Tae said in a mockery tone....

     "SHUT UP!" , Bang PD losing his sanity,  screamed out loud"

      Taehyung looked at him in pure shock. He can't believe his own eyes. Bang PD who pampered him all the way till Jungkook's arrival has now shouted...

       His eyes unknowingly shed tears,  before he could wipe it off Bang PD left to his room with pure disappointment over his face....

      Tae sat on the couch as a lifeless body... After sometime the door creaked open revealing Jimin....

         Taehyung immediately wiped off his tears and looked at Jimin...

    "Tae, Why are you up lately?? ", jimin asked sounding surreal...

     "Nothing just chilling", Tae answered in a heavy voice...

    "Chilling??", Jimin asked adding "With Jungkook?? "

      Taehyung shot a glare, piercing Jimin's soul , sending chills over his body....

     "I know, Something has happened, You won't tell anyway, Just go and sleep", Jimin said casually and pulled Taehyung by his arm and lead him to his room...

      "Take good rest and let's talk tomorrow ", Jimin said and left for his room..

       Taehyung nodded and opened the door and went to his bed....


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