Chapter 1

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I'm at the cafeteria trying to get some seat for me and Anton. Anton is my bestfriend since Kindergarten. We love to play soccer together we play on the same team called "AIRSTRIKERS''.  We tell secrets and we tease each other on our crushes. But I have this secret that I just can't tell him cause I'm too shy. Its just that I have this feeling for him. I just can't tell him like "Hey,I got a crush on you." hell, no way. *RIIINGGG!* Oh the bell...we gotta go head to the classroom. Mrs. Durbis must be waiting. "Anton, go ahead. I'm just gonna bring this at the sink." I said. "yah sure?" , "yeah''. Then he ran away through the corridors. 

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We walked home together as we always do and talked about the upcoming 'Batch Party:Prom'. "Who do you think will be with you on the prom?" I asked him, wishing its me that he'll invite to prom. "Maybe, Jane." he meant Jane McCarthy the most popular girl on Jeston University. He likes her so much... as much as I like him,I think?. "Hmm, yeah.." "How about you?" He asked. "Me? well, I think no ones gonna invite me to prom." I said "If Jane's not going to be with me...can you be my prom?" When he asked that I was super duper excited wishing Jane could get another boy. I was like "O-M-G! Anton asked me :3" in my mind. So I told him "yeah, sure" with a smile that reached to my ear. Then we reached home as I said 'Goodnight' to him, I ran towards the door opened and *shut*. Then went to my bedroom and updated my facebook status "Best Day Ever!".

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Its Saturday. Got up and fixed my bed checked my phone if Anton or some other friends texted me then went to my laptop to check any messages. Then updated my Facebook status "Good Morning! Just got up :) Nice day isn't it?" then I saw the post of Jane McCarthy "Prom in 1 week! Who's coming with me? List your names on the comments and I'll randomly pick one lucky boy on! you ready?" Then a hundreds of comments. "pick me!", "no,pick me", "you're so pretty be my date?" ugh, comments,comments. Then came out to check if Anton commented but theres none on the comments with his name. (^_^) OH YEAH. then a thing came to pop out "1 new comment" so I clicked to check. [Anton Mitchell: Be my date,Jane]. Wow, he sure likes Jane, A LOT. I lost hope. Anton really likes Jane. Maybe I'll be with the nerdy ones on Prom.

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