Team Bonding

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I ran across the beach, my wetsuit on and my surfboard in hand, straight towards Poppy and Bodhi.
Bodhi: "I see it but I don't believe it!" She squealed.
Poppy: "Summer Waves is officially on time!" She laughed.
I rolled my eyes as I stood next to them, we had agreed to meet up.
"Let's go, ladies!"
We squealed as we ran towards the water.

We had been there for almost an hour, just surfing, laughing, messing around, and just being teenage girls, when it was finally time for us to leave and head to training.

We rushed to the car park to find Manu waiting there with the van.
Manu: "Come on, girls! We need to leave!" He ushered us quickly into the van, where Ari was already sat, as soon as our surfboards were in the back.

Most of our ride we actually spent in silence, but thankfully it was only around ten minutes to the anchor cove sports centre.

Me and the girls were now in our workout gear, I felt myself trying harder with my outfit thank usual , for him, as I knew he would definitely be there this time.
Her outfit:

Manu: "Okay, okay! Let's go, let's go, let's go! Get up, get up, get up!" He encouraged as we all got out of the van, Ari closing the door behind us

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Manu: "Okay, okay! Let's go, let's go, let's go! Get up, get up, get up!" He encouraged as we all got out of the van, Ari closing the door behind us.

Manu: "Ears wide open, yeah? And no backchat. It's hard enough teaching you guys as it is." He said through the rolled down window.
Ari: "Cheers, Manu." He nodded before he quickly drove off.

Bodhi: "Poor Manu." She sighed.
"I know." I nodded in agreement, slinging my black gym bag over my shoulder.
Poppy: "It's so unfair. There's no way the new coach'll be better."
Suddenly Wren appeared on the steps.
Wren: "In here, team!" She waved.
Ari waved back and began beaming and drooling like a dog, while Bodhi went over to her.
"Go on. Run to her."
He turned to face me.
Ari: "Is there a problem?"
Poppy: "Wren called her an entitled brat. To her face."
"Thanks, Poppy." I said, rolling my eyes, as she walked away.
Ari: "Seriously?" He asked, taking a step closer to me.
"Right after the announcements. It was intense."
Ari: "Well, I'm sure she didn't mean it." He said, looking away from me.
I folded my arms.
"Please. Give me your interpretation."
Ari: "She was probably just surprised. None of us made the State Team after our first year of surfing."
"So, what, she's intimidated by my crazy natural talent?
Ari: "So British." He said, rolling his eyes, as we began to walk.
"Just tell her to drop the jealous girlfriend act. It's basic, even for Shorehaven."

We soon entered the gym. Me and Ari dropped our bags down with everyone else's and my eyes began to scan the room, looking for one person in particular. But he wasn't here?

Wren, Poppy, Bodhi and Marlon were all lined up while Griff held a block and our coach was kicking it.

Wren rushed over to me.
Wren: "Hey! I'm so glad you're here." She lied, wrapping me in a hug.
"Really?" I asked, sarcastically.
Wren: "Well, yeah." She turned to kiss Ari. "We're teammates now." She smiled.

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