Ettorina... 👀

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🇬🇧: Ettorina is the female variant of Ettore

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🇬🇧: Ettorina is the female variant of Ettore.

Letteralmente il mio ragionamento quando ho scelto il  nome- Per spiegare meglio, c'è uno youtuber chiamato Ettore e io per una serie di motivi mi sono chiamata come la versione femminile del suo nome.

Literally my reasoning when I chose the name- To explain better, there is a Italian YouTuber called Ettore and for a various reasons I named myself after the female version of his name.

Literally my reasoning when I chose the name- To explain better, there is a Italian YouTuber called Ettore and for a various reasons I named myself after the female version of his name

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🇬🇧: People called Ettorina usually celebrate their onomastico on November 26th in conjunction with the celebration of Sant' Ettore martyr.

(Onomastico means “name-day” in Italian, and in Italy there is a custom where Catholics named after a saint will celebrate their onomastico on the same day as that saint's feast day - Google)

Da oggi ho un onomastico-

From today I have a onomastico-

🇬🇧: Women who bear this name will always stand out for their courageous and determined spirit

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🇬🇧: Women who bear this name will always stand out for their courageous and determined spirit.

Per me (Irl) ci sta malissimo, ma per il mio oc (Ettorina) ci potrebbe stare-

For me (Irl) it's very bad, but for my oc (Ettorina) it could be ok-

♡ Gli scleri di una sedia! - The problems of a chair! ♡ Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora