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[pronounced fah]

"You think they feared you?"

MILITARY ROUTINE became simple to follow.

You grew accustomed to it rather quickly, and soon you were flying up the ranks in the 92nd cadet corps. Along with your heightened senses came a type of combat intelligence you had never learned, and your analytical understanding of fighting was suddenly something you were praised for by superiors.

But still, you stayed alone. You made sure you kept your distance from anyone who you worked alongside, kept most information about yourself on the low. To everyone, you were a walking mystery. The military was gruelling at first. Many other cadets were terrified, Commander Shadis wasn't exactly the nicest person when it came to the topic of titans. You? You'd never even heard of them, but no one needed to know that.

Maybe you'd be scared shitless when you face them first. Maybe you'd be unbothered by the sight, whichever one was yet to be revealed. It took all of two days after training had commenced for you to find out the differences between each military regiment insignias.

The horse with the blade as a horn- the one regiment you've yet to face yourself- was known as the Military Police. They deal with crimes within the walls, doing their best to protect the crown and the citizens, though, from what you've heard, it's all a bunch of bullshit.

The roses was the insignia for the Garrison regiment, their jobs are usually on the walls, working with cannons, getting people in and out and carting materials from one district of one wall to a different district.

The blue and white wings were what intrigued you the most. The Scouting Legion, in which they survey areas beyond the walls in hopes of finding something that makes titans' existence easier to understand. Their mortality rate, however, was the worst of the three regiments, missions success rates plummeting further than any other career you can even think of.

But for some reason, it lured you in. You had nothing to go home to. No friends, no family, not even a pet. If you died, you weren't a loss to anyone. Just another pawn in a military game, a decoy or 'titan chum,' as Commander Shadis would call you. If you were to die, you didn't mind and was open to admitting that you didn't think your life had any type of importance.

Carrying on your clan's name didn't matter to you. If your family was being hunted down by the government, you can only assume it was for a good reason. There was something so strange about all the secrecy about your blood, and whether you wanted to know more about it was a mystery in itself.

Your cadet years flew by in a flurry and soon your graduation ceremony was upon you in a flash. You finished top of your class thanks to your senses and understanding in combat. Your calmness in cooperative activities, your ability to perform well under pressure and the way you executed tasks in a way that seemed effortless.

This was how you came about your alias; Rain. At first, you were confused until a graduating soldier explained it to you.

"It's the way you seem to just let things flow," a fellow cadet explained. You didn't bother to remember her name. "Rain is calming, unchanging. But with how timid everyone feels around you, we also feel you can lose control quickly, like rain to a storm." You stopped at the end of the hall of the Trost Headquarters. You stared at her blankly.

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