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[pronounced ree-mah, roll your r's]

"I know they did."

♘ ♛ ♘


Nine whole years had passed since you had first come across that arrogant prick who had that same look in his eyes as you did. Nine whole years of trying to avoid the man who shared the same rank and title as you. Nine whole years of mental exhaustion from trying to shelter yourself from that stupid fucking steely gaze of his.

It was agony. His gaze seemed to pick you apart but you never mustered up the words to ask him what he knew. Not that you wanted to, since the day you laid eyes on him you could tell he was going to be an issue. He never stopped seeking you out, like he knew something. His gaze was always accompanied by that look of suspicion and curiosity, and as soon as that look came upon his face you were quick to direct your attention elsewhere to hopefully refuse his peering eyes.

When it came to Captain fucking Levi, you looked forward to missions and expeditions, one of the only times you were able to catch a break from his nasty blank glares. Which brings you to now.

The 57th expedition.

You weren't entirely sure what the entire point of this expedition was, details were never disclosed from Erwin prior to the commencement. But you didn't care, the further you were stationed from that hard ass of a captain the better it would be. Perched in the higher branches of the titan forest southeast of Karanes district, your squad was spread along the edge of the forest, hidden amongst the leaves and branches that protruded from the monstrous trees.

There was a distant thumping that was sounding in the back of your head. Bothersome, really, but you couldn't figure out what it was. It was repetitive, almost like... footsteps? You looked below the branch you stood on, titans with their stupid grins spread across their faces but none of them were moving from one place to the other. So if those footsteps weren't from them, where is it coming from then?

You focus your sights out toward the horizon, Wall Rose nothing but a faint grey line in the distance. A tree here and there with frequent rises and falls in the lands. All seemed okay until you find a cloud of dust gathering from further to the left. A squadron, perhaps? They'd be a little late, considering the central and rear squads were just a few hundred metres away from entering the forest you stood guard over.

But the more you focused, the more you realised it wasn't a stray squad. A head of blonde hair, the thing didn't even have skin but holy shit was it fast. An abnormal titan was too much of a dumb guess, you'd never seen one move as fast as this one, and it seemed to be determined.

"Captain!" A member of your squad dropped from their branch on to yours, the branch shaking beneath you. You held up a hand, a quick motion for them to be quiet. They obeyed.

"You see that too, don't you?" You murmur, the hand you held up pushing forward and pointing at the fast approaching titan. Nyla, a soldier you had chosen for your squad years ago, crouched down beside you and followed where you were pointing. She nodded.

"Clayton spotted it just now, that's what I came to talk to you about. Whatever that is, it's coming and fast. What're your orders?" She asked, tone matching yours. You were stumped, you weren't sure what to do. You'd never seen a titan such as that one, but you're sure fighting it is best avoided. You shook your head, eyes falling back down to the titans that hoped for one of you to fall into their grimy hands.

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