Love Among the Stars (Errorfresh)

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Error flexed his fingers, as they had been locked up in the same position for quite some time, only a few moving interchangeably. He was crocheting, after all, and even though he loved it, it still strained his hands.

He took a moment to appreciate the beautiful scenery of Outertale, stars twinkling, planets spinning on their each respective axes, purples, pinks, and blues all swirling and blending together, the faint hum of monsters going about their daily lives in the town underneath him, and simply the pure peace of being here. He never got tired of this place.

After looking around for a good while, he placed his fingers back on his cheekbones and produced threads from the blue tear-like marks there. He stretched them carefully, only liking the pain of doing it quickly when he was in a good mood, so it only stung his face a little bit.

Picking up his needles and project again, he sat there and began to crochet, his movements careful of making mistakes. He pushed his needles through the doll, guiding each thread through gently. All was peacef-


"H-holy shed!" Error yelled out in surprise, dropping his needles, his body glitching out for a second.

"You need to cut that out, Fresh!" he said between the glitching.

The (unnecessarily) tall skeleton dressed in nineties clothes with atrocious neon colors smirked down at him, enough that his golden tooth visible, then sat criss-cross on the bean bag next to him, his sunglasses with the letters "Y-O-L-O" signing that this was the parasite he had grown to favor.

"What's all-in-up poppin' with you?" Fresh asked, his cheerful voice setting Error more at ease. He hadn't heard that voice in a little while.

"I'm okay, I guess..." he responded, still calming down from the scare just now.

"That's great, broski!" It seemed his voice only got brighter and his smile bigger just from talking to Error. "As for me brah, that Ink dork keeps tryna catch me ta figure out what I am and where ya are. I didn't tell 'im nun, of course!" he announced proudly, as if fishing for praise.

Error indulged him. "...Thanks, and good job." Fresh's smile only got wider, his gold tooth shining and a light purple dusting his face.

"Aight, I know ya told me not to touch ya without warning, but I just can't resist my amazing brah!" Fresh explained, wrapping his arms around him tightly.

"Ngh, get off of me!" Error tried to push him off, but failed, much to his chagrin.

Fresh laughed heartily, then let go of him reluctantly. "My bad. I couldn't resist!" He stayed close to him. "You didn't reboot, tho! It's been a little while since you have. You're making progress, my man." Error looked away from him and back to his project with blush faintly visible on his cheekbones.

"So, whatcha workin' on, Glitchy?" Fresh asked curiously.

"...Another Ink doll." Error replied. Fresh knew he liked making them to destroy. It was, at least, healthier than taking it out on himself, so Fresh didn't mind it. Fresh nodded and simply watched him do so.

As the time passed, Fresh started to get restless, playing with the mini propellor on his hat, kicking his feet, making weird faces. Error knew he couldn't stay in one place for long. He sighed and put his needles down. "Wanna go for a walk?

Fresh looked up at him and smiled excitedly. He stood up and held his hand out to Error.


Error put the doll, needles, and yarn in his pockets and slowly reached for his hand. He lightly placed his on Fresh's, and Fresh grabbed hold of it tighter and pulled him up. Error was still a little scared of holding hands, but it didn't hurt at all now compared to a while ago. Fresh entwined their fingers one at a time and they started to walk.

"You still doin' well? Just checkin' cuz it's been a hot sec since I've seen ya last."

Error sighed. "I've been... Okay. I just wish that bonehead Ink could actually keep his promises every now and then. I mean, I've held my end of the bargain. But he's not, so... I intend to do something about it soon."

Fresh listened. "Mhm. Do ya need help confronting him?" he asked.

"No, I have to do it myself. You shouldn't have to feel obligated to help me."

Fresh looked worried, but he trusted Error. "Okay. But call me if he tries anything funny."

The corners of Error's mouth lifted slightly, his soul feeling fuzzy again.

"Oh, almost forgot! Here brah, it's for you!" Fresh said, pulling something out of his pocket and presenting it to him proudly.

It was a chocolate bar from Muffet's bakery in Underfell, his favorite.

Error blushed. "Fresh, you... Idiot..." His hands neared the chocolate bar, clearly wanting it but not wanting to seem rude. Noticing this, Fresh simply placed it in his hands.

"You don't gotta be nervous, aight? I happened to be roaming around Underfell and, ahem, borrowed one from ol' spi-"

Fresh was cut off mid sentence by Error pressing his mouth against his. Fresh carefully wrapped his arms around Error and kissed back gently.

After a moment, Error stepped back with a flushed expression and hugged Fresh's chest to his skull. Fresh laughed a little and kept his arms around him. Error reluctantly let him go after a moment.

He then slowly unwrapped the chocolate bar and put the wrapper in his pocket. He broke a piece off and held it towards Fresh.

Fresh smirked, took it, and chewed away. He offered his hand to Error again, and they resumed their walk.

After walking and talking for at least an hour, Error's eyelids started to droop.

"...Time to sleep?" Fresh asked. Error gazed up at him with a drowsy expression, nodded, and leaned his skull against Fresh's arm.

Fresh smiled. "'M I allowed to pick you up?"

Error nodded again. Fresh reached for under Error's knees and placed one hand on his back, picking him up without much effort.

A rainbow door appeared out of thin air, which would lead them to the anti void. Fresh looked at Error once more, who was snoring softly with closed eyes. Fresh kissed the top of his skull.

"You're always so quick to fall asleep, Glitchy." Then he opened the door and walked through, closing it behind him quietly. The out-of-place door then dissipated.

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