Anniversary (Fluffynight)

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Ccino sat up in bed, rubbing his eyes as the rays of sunlight leaked in through his window. Smiling to himself, he started humming and hopped out of bed, yawning.  He slid his feet into his slippers and walked into his bathroom.

"Today's the day, Ccino!" He said confidently to his reflection as he grabbed his toothbrush and toothpaste. As he brushed his teeth, he kept repeating I can do this! over and over in his head. After rinsing, he set his toothbrush back down.

"I can do this!" He said to himself in the shower repeatedly. "I... Can do this...!" He said with a muffled voice as he slipped into his shorts and tan turtleneck.

His building consisted of three floors—the first and second floors were the café, and the third floor was his home. He took one more deep breath, then smiled. "I can do this."

He headed downstairs to the first floor, where he was immediately swarmed by cats. "H-haha! Good morning, sweeties."

Classic Sans Cat followed him to the front counter as he continued humming. Ccino grabbed his apron from its hanger and tied it around his waist, then quickly checked to make sure the machines were up and running and everything was in stock.

It was a Monday, meaning a lot of people would come in. People usually had free time on the weekends, so it wasn't as busy as on the weekdays, and especially Mondays. But somebody always came, no matter how late at night or early in the morning, he always came. Ccino was particularly eager to see him today.

Ccino walked out of the building to see around ten to fifteen people waiting outside.

"Hey, Ccino!"

"My, it's nice to see you on this fine morning."

"How are you?"

"Hurry and open, I need coffeeeee!"

Ccino smiled and flipped the sign to "OPEN."

"Good morning everyone! Feel free to head in now."

Ccino then headed back to the register as the four of them headed in.

"TK, I don't usually see you this early in the morning." He said, amused at the ball of energy in front of him.

TK jumped up and down excitedly with Fell Cat in his arms. "I have a big day today and need fuel! My regular, please!"

Ccino giggled. "Okay, okay. Coming right up. Oh, how about you, Lust?"

Lust strode up to the counter. "Could you ring me up with my usual iced tea?"

"Of course! Did something good happen? I've been seeing you a lot more lately." Ccino asked, putting his order in the register.

He laughed, rubbing the back of his skull with a light blush. "Yeah... I'm actually seeing someone. I'm trying to cut back on drinking liquor for the time being for him. I'm planning on bringing him here soon because I... really think that he might really be the one."

Ccino clasped his hands together. "I'm so happy for you! I can't wait! Let me know a day in advance so I can set up something special for you two, okay?"

Lust smiled. "Thanks, cutie. This is why I love your café." He winked at him and sat down at a table near the window, Killer Cat walking over and rubbing himself on Lust's leg.

After getting through the line, Ccino began sweeping the tiled floor and attending to his cats.

He'll come later! I'm sure of it! He encouraged himself, even though he was disappointed that his regular wasn't here yet.


One hour.

Two hours.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 21 ⏰

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