Chapter 40

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Hyunjin's POV

"So neither Minho nor Changbin knows that I'm alive..."

"Seungmin also doesn't know... We had to tell Jisung about it, since we needed his brother's help, and of course Jisung told Felix. But Felix promised not to tell Minho." Chan said to me as we sat on my couch.

"I invited them over." Jeongin said with a small smile.

"But Innie, the doctor said that Hyunjin should rest." Chan said giving a small pout.

"I just thought that Hyunjin needed some kind faces and positive energy after everything that happened. Isn't that right Hyunjin?" Jeongin explained.

"That's sweet of you Jeongin. Thank you." I said also giving a smile.

I sighed and there was a knock on the door. Chan got up and opened the door and in came running a blue haired Felix with the most saddest expression on his face and the biggest bunch of flowers my eyes could ever behold. Behind him was a now curly haired Jisung with a bigger box.

"Oh Hyunjin! I heard about what happened! NINE WEEKS?! Those people should be punished for what they did to you!" Felix said giving me the flowers.

"Are you okay Hyunjin?" Jisung asked.

"Yeah, I'm okay.." I said with a smile.

"Great! So you don't need the chocolates?" Jisung said still holding the box earning a hard slap on his arm from Felix.

"Ah! Okay! I got you this big box of chocolates. Get well soon Hyunjin." Jisung said handing the box to me.

"Thanks Jisung. Don't worry, I'll share!" I smiled.

Jisung then gasped and gave me a big hug.

"DON'T SHARE WITH HIM! LAST NIGHT HE ATE A WHOLE CHEESECAKE BY HIMSELF!" Felix yelled stomping his feet on the ground.

"Don't listen to him. He's just angry because I chose sleep over sex." Jisung whispered to me with a mischievous grin.

"I can't say how much I missed you two." I chuckled at the couple in front of me.

"But are you really okay? Did Chan show you the video?" Felix said sitting down next to Yuna.

"Yes he did." I shrugged.

"We should crash that damn wedding!" Jisung said standing up.

"I agree! Minho should be the one in a dress next to Hyunjin!" Yuna said standing up as well causing everyone else in the room to chuckle.

"Well to do that we need more than enough reason to object to the wedding." Chan said with a questioning tone.

"The groom is gay! There's his boyfriend!" Felix yelled pointing to me. "And isn't it a law, if we object then they have to cancel the wedding and plan a whole new wedding?"

"Even though that is a law, that wouldn't stop Mr Lee from doing something worse to Hyunjin." Jeongin said softly.

"Wait.. You mean that... Mr Lee...?" Felix gasped as he connected the dots.

"Yes, Felix, Mr Lee put Hyunjin in a coma." Chan said. "That's why we need proof of Mr Lee's deeds so that we can put him in jail and then we can crash the wedding."

"Well... We could ask Younghyun for those small cameras and put them up all over the house! Then we wait until Mr Lee pops and confesses!" Felix said excitedly clapping his hands.

"How are we all going to just walk into that ratchet man's house without going unnoticed? No offense Felix, he's your uncle..." Jeongin said with an awkward smile.

"It's okay Jeongin, I agree." Felix said with a sigh. He then gasped looking at each of us. "Minho asked me if I had ideas for the engagement party!" Felix giggled.

"How will that help?" I asked as my eyebrows crashed together.

"What about a mask party?!" Felix said excitedly. "There are going to be so many people at the party, and with masks on, Mr Lee won't recognize us! It's genius!"

"Felix! You angel! I hope your future children has your brains some day!" Yuna said kissing Felix's forehead.

Jisung then stifled out an awkward cough while looking around.

"Future children huh?" Felix said crossing his arms giving Jisung a dirty look.

"Uh well... Even if we wore masks and all that... Minho would instantly recognize Hyunjin." Chan said with a small shrug.

"MAKE OVER!!" Yuna, Yeji and Felix screamed jumping up.

The girls and Felix decided to blindfold me as they didn't want me or the rest of the guys to see my transformation. Though I could feel what they were doing. They just died and trimmed my extremely long my hair. I didn't understand how that would be such an improvement but I just let them do whatever.

After the three of them were done, they still didn't take the blindfold off me. It was a bumpy walk to the living room but once we got there I heard whistling and cheering.

"Can I please take the blindfold off now?" I asked politely.

"Okay fine!" Yeji said before the blindfold got pulled off my eyes.

Felix shoved a mirror in my face and I was at awe. I felt my now blonde hair as the corners of my mouth turned to a smile.

"Do you like it hyung?" Yeji asked.

"THE BLONDE WAS YEJI'S IDEA!" Yuna and Felix yelled pointing at my sister.

"Heyyy..." Yeji pouted.

"I love it!" I said as I couldn't stop feeling the yellow strands on my head.

"Now that Hyunjin's make over is done, time to hear my plan for the wedding crash." Chan said cocking a brow. "Mr Lee won't know what hit him."

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