Chapter 1 Death and Revival

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All of these sounds, all of these visions. I feel like I'm in between the walls of life and death. On one end I can hear gun fire and bombs like a war and a heart monitor? It's getting faster and faster. On the other end I hear whispers telling me to come to the light, I feel my soul getting closer to the light Like I'm being drawn as a fly to a bug zapper. But then I rapidly started pulling away from it, feeling like something grabbed me. The sounds start to change, they also sound like machinery? And electronics. The whispers are getting louder. The visions are coming faster, but they're not clear, blurry even. But then I finally came to.

I woke up seeing nothing but ice all over me, feeling paralyzed. Soon some of my memories came back. All I remember is being on my deathbed with voices around me, promising that I would recover. After that, It feels like I'm in a void of sorts, a realm in between life and death. I wake up again to hear one of the same voices giving me my promise of good health and another I could barely recognize. But everything I could see was all blue, like I was in the ocean, yet it feels small and enclosed. It was still blurry, so I couldn't really make out where I was. I tried breaking loose from my captivity, I felt sealed tight, but I finally managed to break free. As I step onto the messy floor, everything about me has changed. From vision to limbs. My body is as hard as metal with silver paint covering it. Arms and legs are bulkier than a bodybuilder on steroids. With neon blue eyes and carbon fiber hands. And shoulders so sharp you could cut yourself. Everything around me felt empty and eerie, paint on the wall was chipped and peeling off. With the roof and wall windows wide open. I look out the window to get a glimpse of where I am. All I could see was desert for miles. I couldn't pinpoint where I could be, but I know I don't want to be here. I tumble a little as I try to get used to my new body and peek over the door to see if anyone is guarding the place. Surprisingly, I saw one of the guards coming my way, but they weren't human, they were robots. They also look like they had been unkempt for quite some time, with their bodies rusted but not damaged, at least not yet. "Commotion heard in a room on floor 3 checking the area now". The rusted robot said. "Where the hell am I going to hide?" I said in a quiet panic. In a quick attempt, I hide back in the capsule, with the robot seeing me pass by in the room. "Who goes there?!" "Show yourself or be executed!" The robot demands as he aims his gun ready to fire. I slowly and carefully sneak out of the capsule and creep up behind the rusted guard. Once he least expected it, I quickly grabbed him by the neck. "Where am I, and what do you know?" I aggressively asked him. "We're in New Mexico!" "Where in New Mexico?" "I-I don't know, somewhere we've been here for the last 50 years, my memory hasn't been good for a while now!" "50 years?" I said, "That's how long you've been here?" "That's how long we've all been here." the rusted robot says, "Who's we?" "There are other guards here as well." "How many?" "There's at least a couple hundred." "What year are we in?" "The year is 1994". I let go of him and decided what I should do. But the rusted robot quickly decided for me. "THE SUBJECT IS AWAKE, I REPEAT THE SUBJECT IS AWAKE, SOUND THE ALARMS AND PREPARE YOUR WEAPONS!"

I use my right hand that turns into an Arm canon and shot him without a second thought. I don't remember being very good at shooting, but I had some experience. I waste no time and run out as fast as possible. It's tough to move around with such a heavy and bulky body, but I do my best. As I get ready to run down the hall, there are already guards waiting for me. Bullets flying in the air like a war zone, some hit me but didn't puncture. While trying to get the hang of it, I do my best to shoot them all down. I shoot two in the head and shoot three in their kneecaps. I ran down the hallway with another swat of guards bursting through the door. With my bulk, I assume my strength is increased, I slam my fist in the ground making a shockwave and blowing any guards out of my way. I continue running outside, with a bridge connecting to another building and guards firing their bullets. I take cover to figure out what I can do. I look down at my feet and see the exhaust on the soles of them. I fly across the bridge and shoot everyone down in midair. I fly down another hallway and slam through another batch of guards like a bowling ball. With all my efforts, I see an exit. I fly as fast as possible, almost feeling like a bullet. I finally make it, but I don't make much of a soft landing. I crash and tumble like a tumbleweed, but I finally come to a stop. I try and get up slowly, with some scratches and dirt on my body, I brush it off as I heard scratches of metal coming towards me. It was one of the rusted guards from earlier, his legs were torn off, only having his arms and torso left. I pick them up and try to get more answers. "Who is your creator?" I said, "P-professor G-G-Giovanni" The rusted guard replied with a stutter. "Where is he now?" "His L-location is unknown"....

"But there is one thing I w-want you to do," he tells me. "What?" "Go t-to California and f-free them" The robot deactivated soon after. I was confused about what he meant. But I guess I'll just have to work with what I'm given next stop California.

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