Chapter 5 The fix up

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I contemplate on staying or going my own way, I decide to lie low and just get fixed and then be on my way. For all I know, I'm probably being tracked down considering the place I woke up in, I'm gonna try not to overthink it. I hear footsteps and see it's Andre and Maurice, finally back from school. "Hey Ted!" Andre says. "About time you boys show up. Come on, let's get this over with." "Patience, ya big trash can, we have to do our homework first." Maurice says to me. "Maurice, knock it off." Andre says. "Alright alright I'll be here if you need me." He replied. Andre analyzes my body on what he could do with junkyard parts, scotch tape and glue. Lots of glue. "Okay, you got a couple of dents and scratches easy enough to buff out, the big one here is your rocket shoes you're gonna need to fix those thrusters they're all busted." He told me. "Hey Maurice, you got your dads tools?" Andre asked. "I knew you were gonna need em." Maurice tossed the blow torch as Andre catches it, putting on working gear. "Alright lets pray."

Andre says. A couple of hours later, Andre surprisingly managed to fix me up. "Okay, that's the best I'm gonna be able to do. Give it a test drive!" he said to me. I walk out of the garage and look up to the sky with a bit of hesitation. I lift off in the air with my thrusters surprisingly working like before, but I am a bit slower than before, I fly back down with relief. "Hm they worked just like before, just a bit slower though" I told him. "I tried to tighten them as best as I could so them not be tightened good enough, probably why you're slower" Andre told me. "I can't believe you actually did it, I'm proud of ya, man!" Maurice told him. Andre smiled. "Thanks. Looking at Giovanni's very own builder's guide, I can do a thing or two. Plus, you're his technology, so it wasn't so hard I have been studying him for years now." he said. "I thank you for your efforts Andre really, but now it's my time to go, It was nice knowing you guys." As I am ready to lift off and head back to my objective, Maurice stops me in my tracks. "Hey, tin can!" he yelled at me.

"Since Andre helped you and all, why don't you come to our show and tell tomorrow."

"Andre, you can say that you created him" he suggested to the both of us. "Maurice, I can't just take credit for someone else's work and-" "Oh come on, It will make up for all the other ones, This could be your big moment man!" he said. "Just do this one thing, Ted, and you can happily go to where you need to. Just do this one thing for Andre." "He begged to me." "I'm sorry, but no, I must get back to my mission." "PLEASE!" he yelled. I give out a sigh, giving it some thought. "I'll do it. But this is the one and only favor I am doing, you did fix me up after all, so I guess it's the least I can do." I said to them, "Alright Ted thanks man you won't regret it I promise!" he told me. "Yea yea get out of here before I change my mind" I said. They both walked home and I shut back down for the night.

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