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Liam got to the library with Erin's bodyguards.

" what's this? I told you I don't want guards " , " brother you didn't answer your phone , Father was worried we looked all over the school for you ".

" I was here , with that red head friend of yours " , " Lizzy? " , " mhhh why are you friends with Gregory's sister? ".

" she's not his sister , he just likes her for some reason,  he takes care of her " , " and that guy with her? " , " what guy? " , " leather jacket , don't like being touched " , " ow Luke? Well she must remind him of his sister ".

" sister? " they walked out and into the car " yes his sister passed when he was young , Lizzy saved him when he wanted to kill himself,  since then they've been close " , " I see ".

They got home , they father was waiting for them at the entrance , they got out of the car and into the house.

His father slapped Liam " I asked you to look after him , how did you lose him? " , " Father , I a..." Erin looked at Liam.

He walked to the kitchen getting a ice pack and putting it on his cheek " brother didn't lose me , I was at the library,  I got carried away , why are you punishing him for? ".

" this useless boy is supposed to be by your side all the time , his life is yours he sh..." , " Father! " Erin shouted.

" I told you not to talk to Liam that way " , " just because I tolerate him for you doesn't mean I take him as mine , he is no son of mine! " , Erin was about to say something but Liam held his hand and shook his head.

Erin walked away and Liam followed , he got into his room and Liam went in too.

" why did you stop me ? He has no right to treat you like that " , " Erin we can't change how he feels of me but you can't fight with him if you want to be with someone you actually like and not Beatrice " , Erin calmed himself down.

" do you have a w..." there was a knock on his door " who is it? " the door swung open it was his mom.

She walked in with an ice pack on her hand and pulled Liam to sit down , she first looked at his cheek then pressed the ice pack.

" what happened? Why didn't you come find me if he hurt you ? " , " I am okay mom it was just a slap , I lost Erin at school today so he got angry ".

" how dare he! " She was about to get up but he held her down " it's okay mom really " , " it's not okay sweetheart,  you go to school to learn not to be a bodyguard ".

" I am his older brother if I don't look after him , then who will? " he smiled taking her hands in his.

" it will be okay , if it gets too hard , I have you don't I? " , " ofcourse baby " they hugged.

" lunch is ready you two go down and eat " , " mom cam we hire the person who was in charge of cakes as our in house baker please " Erin asked.

" mhhh Lynn said she's a student , if we can get her then okay " , Liam looked at Erin , " her name is Elizabeth Lane , she's a friend of mine , I don't know if she'll be able to do it because she has alot of part time jobs ".

" tell her we'll pay double of what she gets paid or just invite her over " , " I'll talk to her tomorrow ".

" Lane , Lane, why does that sound familiar? " , " her parents death was all over the news , they committed suicide infront of everyone leaving her behind ".

" ow yes she was only 10 at the time , poor child , tell her we'll triple the amount " she got up and walked out.

Liam looked at Erin " do you like Lizzy? " , " why? " , " I don't know you tell me , why were you with her at the library ".

" I don't know there's just something about her that keeps me calm , even if we sit in silence I feel safe " , " safe that's a big word " , " I don't know how to explain it Liam , she just makes me comfortable ".

" but you were rude to her " , " so? " Liam rolled his eyes " you should've dated when you were studying abroad " They both chuckled walking out and going downstairs.

They sat down and their food were served to them , Beatrice and they father walked in " I thought I should invite Beatrice for lunch " the boys didn't answer nor look up they ate they food.

" son Beatrice will be here every weekend and she'll come by for lunch everyday so you can spend some time together " , Erin wiped his mouth and pushed his plate away , " no " he got up.

" no? " hid father asked " I am not interested in Beatrice nor the marriage,  she can do as she please in your house but she better stay away from me and my rooms , I don't like to be disturbed you know that " he walked of.

Liam quickly finished up his food and went to his own room.

Meanwhile Lizzy and Luke were grocery shopping " do you need anything else? " , " wow after picking out everything even my toiletries without asking me , you now are asking? " Luke strumbled her hair.

" I know you , do you want snacks " she smiled and nodded he added more snacks and chocolate.

They paid and walked out Luke packed the food in the booth , " wanna have lunch ? " , " it's late so it's dinner " , " whatever kiddo let's go ".

They walked to the food court , they got burgers and milkshakes , ate then they drove to Lizzys home.

Luke helped carry the bags inside then drove off.

As soon as she sat down her phone rang it was Liam " hey Puckie " , " mhhh " , " so mom asks if you can come by tomorrow,  she wants to talk to you about something ".

" am I in trouble? " , " no its actually something good , you can come in the afternoon night Puckie " he dropped the call.

Lizzy stayed up wondering what the Queen wanted , she couldn't sleep so she opted to study till she fell asleep.

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