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After his meetings , Gregory picked up Ricky and drove home to his mansion.

He carried him inside and to his bedroom taking off his shoes and jacket then tucked him in bed.

He took a quick shower then wore sweatpants and a shirt then got in bed cuddling him.

" you back ? " , " mhhh sleep " , " we should go " , " we're at home rest " he pulled him closer and they fell asleep.

In the morning Ricky woke up alone in bed , dressed in only his boxers and a big shirt.

Gregory walked in with a tray of food " morning " , " where are my clothes? What did you do to me? How did we get here ? " Gregory sat him up and placed the tray ontop of him.

" morning " , " Morning " , " you woke up in the middle of the night hot and you took off your clothes , I just gave you my shirt , we got here last night I carried you here since you fell asleep on the couch in my office".

He gave Ricky a stuffed slice of toast bread with avo , egg , bacon and sausage.

Ricky ate some and he started eating too , " are you scared of me ? " Gregory suddenly asked " maybe " , " that's too bad hoe are you planning to spend the rest of your life with someone you're afraid off ? ".

" why do you keep saying weird stuff ? " , " isn't it obvious? " , " no " , " I see let me make it more clear then , in two weeks time you and I are getting married " , " what? Are you nuts? ".

Gregory smiled " I thought you were scared of me but it seems you're not since you're swearing at me " , Ricky was about to say something but kept quiet.

" do you not like me? " , " I didn't say that " , " then what's the problem ? " , Ricky placed the bread down and sighed.

" you don't just tell someone you're getting married , you ask a person out , get to know them and then decide together if you want to get married,  introduce them to family you know the whole Shazam ".

" I've known you for more than 10 years I know everything about you already , I don't want to date you because it's a waste of time,  I already know it's you I want , I want to marry you because your mom said no sex before marriage and I respect her very well.

I've known all about your family been to a braai with you and your birthdays , what more do you want Ricky? when I know it's you I want ".

" you spoke to my mom? When? " , " long time ago and your dad too well he kinda punched me but we're fine now " , " you were doing everything behind my back " , " oh c'mon stop making excuses , if you don't want me just say so because I don't see why you're complaining " , " it's not that it's j..".

" do you not want to be with me? " , " I...I..." Gregory kissed him pushing the tray to the side he lifted him up placing him ontop of him.

The kiss was deep and passionate, he pulled out starring deep into his eyes " marry me " , Ricky bit his lower lip and Gregory sucked on it making him moan he pulled away " marry me " Ricky's face was now red.

" okay " Gregory smiled and kissed his forehead then stood up " look at you acting all hard to get like you don't want me " , " wanting you and marrying you are two different things " , " why? " , " I don't know you're not really good at talking ".

" I am you just don't know how to talk to me yet and that's okay you can learn as time goes " , " will you hit me? " , Gregory chuckled " why would I hit you? " , " if I like make you mad " , " I can find ways to punish you yes but I'd never hurt you ".

Ricky finished up his food and made the bed " We should go Lizzy is waiting " , " don't worry she'll be here with the kids soon " , " okay ".

" do you want us to have kids now or like later " , " you're aware I am a man right? " , " so what does that have to do with children? " , " you're right ".

" you didn't answer me " , " when the kids turn one " , " okay " , " what are you going to do about Erin? ", " nothing I just wanted to know where he was , I was worried his father might have done something when he moved from Paris " , " okay ".

" is there something you want to ask me? " , " nope " , " good I've sent your sizes to the tailor , when the time is right you and Lizzy should go do a fitting " , Ricky rolled his eyes.

" I don't know how a sane person just up and organizes a wedding alone what if I said no " , Gregory chuckled " then I would've kidnapped you and had a private wedding then after you cool down we could get married again infront of your parents " Ricky looked up and Gregory was serious.

" you wouldn't " , " we both know I would've " he walked into the bathroom and Ricky followed.

" you can't force someone to love you " , " you already love me , I know that by just looking at you , it's not love that I would've forced " he took off his shirt.

" if you don't want to take a bath with me then I suggest you leave now or I'll punish you " Ricky looked at him " but I didn't do anything wrong ".

" you rolled your eyes at me " Ricky bit his lip and Gregory looked at it " wait outside " , " but I a..." , " unless you want me to bed you over " Ricky gasped and ran out of the bathroom.

His face was all red.

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