United Hearts (11)

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In the room bathed in the warm morning sunlight, disorder reigned supreme. A chaotic arrangement of discarded snack wrappers and scattered books adorned the table, while the incessant ticking of the clock reverberated through the air. The sleeping boy on the bed, half-buried under a cascade of clothes, was rudely awakened as the intrusive alarm clock demanded attention. Groggily, he extended a lethargic arm, seizing the clock and forcibly silencing its relentless beeping.

Resolute in his pursuit of more sleep, the boy nestled deeper into his pillow, attempting to cocoon himself against the intrusion of the waking world. However, the peace was short-lived as a resonant bang echoed through the room – a stern reminder from his Appa on the other side of the door.

"Y/N! Wake up!"

The command reverberated, prompting a disapproving groan from the boy, who defiantly curled up into a tighter ball, hands instinctively covering his ears. Undeterred, your Appa's voice persisted, conveying the urgency of the day ahead.

"Today is your first day of high school, and I won't have you be late!"

The declaration hung in the air, a stark proclamation that shattered the remnants of the boy's peaceful slumber.

Reluctantly, you groaned and unfurled from your makeshift cocoon, feeling the weight of impending responsibilities settle over you like a heavy blanket. The room, still dimly lit by the morning sun, offered little comfort as you grappled with the reality of the day ahead.

Your hand fumbled for the clock, now silent but accusing in its reminder. With a resigned sigh, you pushed yourself up from the bed, limbs heavy with the lingering traces of sleep. The disarray around you mirrored the chaos in your mind as the prospect of the first day of high school loomed large.

As your Appa's voice persisted, you acknowledged the inevitability of the new chapter awaiting you. With a final deep breath, you mustered the resolve to face the challenges that lay beyond the comfort of your tangled sheets.

Dragging yourself out of bed, you stumbled through the maze of discarded clothes and snacks wrappers toward the door. The relentless sunlight streamed into the room, accentuating the mess that had accumulated over time. Each step felt like a reluctant surrender to the responsibilities awaiting you beyond the haven of your disheveled sanctuary.

Opening the door, you were met with your Appa's determined gaze, a mixture of concern and encouragement. His insistence echoed through the hallway, emphasizing the importance of the day. With a half-hearted nod, you acknowledged the significance of this new journey, still grappling with the remnants of sleep and the weight of expectations.

As you made your way to the bathroom, the reality of high school settled in, accompanied by a mix of excitement and trepidation. The morning routine became a ritual, a series of motions that marked the beginning of a pivotal chapter in your life.

Entering the bathroom, you nonchalantly lifted the lid of the toilet, shedding the confines of your pants before beginning the mundane act of relieving yourself. A sudden protest disrupted the tranquility, and Taehyung's voice echoed from behind the shower curtain,

"Y/N! I told you not to barge in when I'm in the bathroom."

His eyes narrowed with irritation as he tried to preserve whatever privacy the curtain offered.

Responding with a drowsy smile, you dismissed his concern,

"Hyung, nobody cares."

The casual exchange encapsulated the unfiltered dynamics of your shared living space, where personal boundaries were often mere suggestions.

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