United Hearts (12)

11 1 0

As the basketball game heated up, you were dribbling down the court, focused on making a crucial shot for your team. Suddenly, out of nowhere, you felt a forceful push against your back. The impact sent you sprawling to the ground, the rough surface scraping against your knee and elbow.

With adrenaline coursing through your veins, you rose to your feet, feeling a surge of anger. Ignoring the pain, you stormed over to the opposing player who had shoved you. Grabbing his collar firmly, you glared at him with intense fury, your eyes burning with righteous indignation.

The opposing player, though visibly intimidated by your sudden aggression, attempted to mask his fear with a stoic expression. However, the trembling of his hands betrayed his inner turmoil. Despite his attempt to appear unfazed, he couldn't hide the unease in his eyes as he faced your wrath.

"What's your problem, man?" you growl, your grip tightening on his collar.

The crowd around you falls silent, the tension in the air palpable as they await the imminent confrontation. The opposing player swallows hard, his Adam's apple bobbing up and down in his throat.

"I-I didn't do anything," he stammers, trying to wriggle out of your grasp.

However, you hold on steadfastly, refusing to let go until he admits his wrongdoing. The onlookers form a tight circle around you and the opposing player, creating a tense atmosphere that feels as if it's about to explode at any moment. You can feel the heat radiating from your clenched fists, your body still shaking with anger from the earlier shove.

"Don't lie! You fucking pushed me!"

You snarl, your eyes locked onto the trembling figure before you. The intensity of your gaze forces him to avert his eyes, unable to maintain the charade of innocence. He lets out a defeated sigh, his shoulders sagging in resignation.

"Okay, okay," he concedes, "I pushed you on purpose. What you gonna do about it?"

He was cocky about it. The opposing player's confession only fuels your anger, and you can feel your blood boiling beneath your skin. Your grip on his collar tightens even more, and you pull him closer to your face, your voice low and menacing.

"You're going to regret that," you hiss, your teeth gritted in determination.

With a sudden surge of strength, you push the opposing player away from you, causing him to stumble backwards. The crowd gasps in surprise, sensing the escalating tension. The player quickly regains his balance and charges at you, fists flying. You meet his aggression head-on, exchanging blows in a flurry of movement.

The opposing player's punches are wild and uncoordinated, but they still pack a punch. You can feel the sting of each blow as it connects with your skin, but you refuse to back down. With each punch you throw, you can feel your anger subsiding, replaced by a focused determination. The crowd around you grows larger, their whispers and murmurs filling your ears as you continue to exchange blows with the opposing player.

He's a formidable opponent, but you can tell that he's starting to tire. His punches are becoming slower and weaker, while yours remain strong and steady. Suddenly, you see an opening and take advantage of it. You land a powerful punch to the opposing player's stomach, causing him to double over in pain. He tries to retaliate, but you're quicker. You land another punch to his jaw, sending him sprawling to the ground.

The opposing player lays there, dazed and disoriented. You can see the shock and disbelief etched on his face as he tries to process what just happened. The crowd around you erupts into cheers and applause, but you barely hear them. Your mind is still focused on the opposing player, who is now struggling to get back up on his feet. You take a step forward, ready to deliver another blow if necessary. But as you do so, a firm hand grips your shoulder, holding you back.

"That's enough,"

Taehyung says, his voice calm but firm. You feel a surge of frustration at being held back, but you recognize the authority in Taehyung's voice. You turn to look at him, your chest heaving from the exertion of the fight. Taehyung's gaze is steady and unyielding, and you can see the concern etched on his face. You feel a surge of frustration at being held back, but you recognize the authority in Taehyung's voice. You turn to look at him, your chest heaving from the exertion of the fight. Taehyung's gaze is steady and unyielding, and you can see the concern etched on his face.

"He had it coming,"

You say, your voice tight with anger.

"He was asking for it."

You try to shrug off Taehyung's grip, but he holds firm.

"I know,"

Taehyung says, his voice still calm and steady.

"But violence is not the answer for everything."

The opposing player, now on his feet, sneers at you, his face twisted in anger.

"You're going to regret this, you little punk,"

He snarls, taking a step towards you. But Taehyung steps in between you, shielding you from the other player's aggression.

"Back off."

Taehyung's voice is low and dangerous, his eyes fixed on the opposing player. The other player seems taken aback by Taehyung's sudden shift in demeanor, and hesitates for a moment before backing down.

"Let's go."

Taehyung grabbed your wrist and was about to take you away from the ground. When the guy said something that had Taehyung's heart sinking.

"Ha! Can't handle a little confrontation without hiding behind your pet, huh?"

He sneered. Your eyes twitched in rage. Taehyung hold you tightly, not wanting you to get in trouble.

"Your little sidekick, the stray your daddy adopted from the streets, always come to protect you. What are you, a fucking pussy? Always hiding behind."

The opposing player's words cut deep, and you can feel yourself getting more and more agitated. Taehyung can sense your growing anger, and tightens his grip on your wrist, trying to hold you back. But you're too enraged to be held back. You wrench your wrist out of Taehyung's grip and charge towards the opposing player, your vision blurred by anger. You swing your fists wildly, landing several hits to his face and chest.

He tries to fight back, but you're too quick for him. The crowd continues to cheer and jeer, but you barely register their presence. All you can focus on is the opposing player, who is now stumbling backwards, trying to avoid your relentless blows. Taehyung tries to intervene, but you push him aside, too caught up in the heat of the moment.

The opposing player, visibly rattled, tries to mount a defense, but your rage has taken over and your fists continue to land blow after blow. He attempts to throw a punch, but you expertly dodge and counter with a powerful uppercut, sending him sprawling to the ground. The crowd falls silent, stunned by the sudden turn of events. The opposing player groans and tries to get up, but you don't give him a chance. You're on him in an instant, raining down blows with a ferocity that takes even you by surprise.

The opposing player, now battered and bruised, holds up his hands in surrender. He's had enough, and it's clear that you're not going to stop until he admits defeat. With a final, triumphant roar, you stand over him, panting and covered in sweat.

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