I woke up with a feeling of chill over my body, today is the reaping of the 96th annual hunger games. Two of us in our district will be chosen to either fight or die. I am sixteen years old, so my name is probally in there way to many times, yet again I've always been lucky enough to stay in my sweet old town. But I think I'll die either way.

I get dressed in an old maroon dress, to look fancy for a litterall lottery of who will be chosen to die. I go downstairs to greet my parents, I get no response as usual, I don't think my parents have ever cared for me much, it's fine though I have become used to it. "Mom..? Dad." I say quietly, still I get no word out of them. "Mom! Dad! I am going to the reaping of the games, do you care to company me?!" I yell. They turn to me and my father says "Do not speak to us in such a way, you are so ungratefull Charlotte." I take that as a no and grab my bag and get straight out of there.

I arrive where litterally everyone in district 12 is standing, I know everyone but most of the time the people sit inside in fear of the peacekeepers. I see my somewhat friend Allie, sweating out of fear to be chosen, so I decided to check on her. "Hey Allie, it's gonna be allright!" She looks at me somewhat annoyed "Lottie how can you say that, how are you this calm?! My name is in there!" I just give her a reassuring look because, what else can I do in a situation like this?
The announcer comes up the stage, and does her awfull speech about how gratefull we should be and how there is a chance one of us is not going to die a brutal death, and "how much" The capitol is doing for us. "Anyway, It's time to announce the tributes, of District 12." She says, smiling. Seriously, how can you smile in a situation like this? "Ladies first!" For the first time today, i feel a slight fear in my stomach, then before I know it I hear "Charlotte Matthews"

All eyes are set on me, and I close my eyes and walk up the stage, no one volunteers for me, but why would they I don't think anyone notices me, not ever.
"Well, well! Congratulations!" The announcer says looking at me with this awfull grin on her face. "Congratulations" I thought, so we have to act like this is a god damn party now? I wait untill the next name gets chosen. "Travis Martinez" I have spoken to him maybe, once.. twice? He is allright, just a bit "to" confident. I look into the crowd to see his little brother Javi's face full of tears. Poor kid, Travis is all he got. Me and travis have to hold hands which was quite weird since the only words we ever said to eachother was "merry christmas" and "take care" 

We are supposed to say goodbye to our families but.. unsuprisingly enough mine aren't present, instead Allie comes in with overflowing tears on her face, that could make this room flood with water. "Oh god.. lottie! I am so terribly sorry! I mean I'm glad its not me, and I think you feel the same but.. lottie! Im sorry" she bawls. She puts her arms around me and grabs me so tightly i can't breathe "Allie, yes I am glad YOU do not have to walk into a possible death that could be heavily brutal, and I do." She looks at me with these big blue eyes of hers, full of guilt. "You know thats not what I mean, lottie! Lets not fight.. not now" I sigh and just hug her back, in a gentle way not a so tight you will die way. 

Me and Travis are set on the train to the capitol. "So.." he says. I really don't want to talk to him, not because I have any sort of hatred towards him but why would I start small talk while we both know that we are set up to murder eachother, I decide to say nothing. "Okay then.. geez" he says. I roll my eyes.

The announcer we have met this morning walks into the room, god not this. "Hello there!" She says. She has big round glasses and a head full of blonde curls, and her eyes we're a deep brown, she does however look way to young for a job like this, I think shes my age. "My name is Misty Quigley! I am here to help you get yourself nicely and well presented at the Capitol, but for now we will wait for your mentor! Ben Scott! The winner of the 80th games!" She says almost laughing. I smile at her because I don't feel like being rude, but now she's sitting next to me. "You have such beautifull hair!" She says. "Um.. thanks..?" I smile, akwardly. Then i hear a man's voice. "Is Misty tormenting you?" He looks at her in a way that must have mean "please leave this room now" because she almost runs away. "Sorry about her.. she's a bit unusual, but she means well. My name is Ben Scott but you two can call me Ben, I am your mentor and I'll try my hardest to make one of you end up alive!" Travis is rolling his eyes for some reason. "Oh! Hello there aren't you a ray of sunshine, I bet you want to get out of here alive don't you?" He says. Travis nods and sighs "Not that you specifically have a chance on winning, but I do bet that you could use some tips, clever boy because with that additute of yours no one is waiting for you"

We arrive at the capitol and they take us away to get washed. The people taking care of me are suprinsingly very kind, and they had the ability to make me actually feel welcome. "Im so sorry for what happened to you sweet girl" one of them says. "I usually get a congrats.." I say "It's nonsense, why would this be fun.. in any way! girls like you deserve to have fun.." I smile at her, she seems genuine. "My name is Jackie, short for Jaquelinne but thats just such an awfull name.. I am also your stylist this year!" Jackie really looked like some sort of model, she had beautifull emerald green eyes and hair like gold. "I'm Lottie.. short for Charlotte"

After getting all clean, Jackie takes me to her room to get ready for the tribute show off, she gives me a black dress with red ruffles on it's sleeve. "This is gorgeous!" I say. She smiles "thank you dear" 
I look at her thankfull, she seems sweet, I decide to just trust her, why shouldn't I? I'm probally dead in a few days.

I wait by my carriage for Travis. I look around to take a good look at the tributes. I look to the careers first, there is a frustrated brunette girl standing on the district 2 carriage with a rather clueless looking blonde boy next to her. I catch her looking back to me in a way that I regret even breathing near her.

Then I look at the carriage of district 9, I see a sweet looking figure praying on the ground. I don't believe in god or such things but I am glad atleast she can find support from something.  I can't help but walk towards her, she seems like she needs someone to talk to right now. I gently tap my finger on her shoulder to let her know im behind her, I dont want her to think I'll like murder her whatsoever. Then she looks back at me, and I almost gasp which is seriously embarassing, even for me. Her eyes are the most perfect thing ive ever seen, and she has a smile that makes you forget you are unwillingly in a game that kills you. "Oh.. hello!" She says softly. I don't think I've ever seen anyone this pretty. "Hi.." I say. She looks at me questioning why im randomly walking in on her. Before I can say anything in return, I get called back to my carriage. I decided to be.. very weird and wave her goodbye, but in my surprise she waved back at me.

The hunger games: Lottie's gamesWhere stories live. Discover now