i have it under control

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[] [...] are the same name. all three of them are names I have not yet decided upon.

[] [...] {} = names


No matter what anyone says I've got it controlled.

No, what she says he says all that matters is what I say.

That's all that matters to me.

I don't care what anyone else says about me

Only I matter now, only me.

That's the outlook that [...]has on life. See [...] has given up on what anyone else says about them. They have given up on having a social life and school. School is now only about passing. Friends are now a waste of time for them. But of course, they can't get rid of one specific person. That person is trying so hard for [...] to change their outlook but nothing is working but they aren't giving up that specific person being...[....]

[...] has tried multiple times to kill themselves as they no longer see the world in colour. This has caused [...]'s parents to put them into therapy. [...] doesn't see the point in it as it isn't helping them. [] is now struggling to stay their only reason being {}

{} is trying everything to keep [] alive. Keeps her preoccupied with anything but her thoughts as she hates talking about herself. {} takes [] to the cinema to watch random movies at 3 am and takes her to cafes when she wakes up. {} knows []hates staying at home pent up in her room looking at the same four walls.

Some days [] physically cannot get out of bed & {}is right there taking care of her. Washing her hair, feeding her, making sure her basic needs are met too. [] is very thankful for {} but cannot say it as she's scared.

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