Chapter 5 - A change unwelcomed(5)

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Ryan walked away from the club area with tears welling up in his eyes. He just could not understand the change in his friend.

They had been best friends, and he questioned if they still were.

He could not understand how Luna was so calm and composed when seeing the corpses. They were her friends too! But she didn't even bat an eye.

He felt rage towards her, he resented her and felt she was a monster a stranger he didn't know. He blamed her deep down. He too could feel he was just taking it out on her but he was too full of emotions to care.

Why did Luna not tell me that she had completed the trial? Wondered Ryan. He felt her reaction to all that was happening to be odd.

He had a feeling she felt responsible but he could not understand how.

He also realized she did not answer his question. He remembered all the times they fooled around together.

Today was no different at least until that flying lady popped up, he thought.

He questioned if all this was actually happening, with his bow in one hand and an arrow in another. He walked vigilantly through the tiled path being vary of any noise he heard.

He wanted to believe all this was just a dream, a nightmare but everything felt too real.

He felt he had lost his best friend, she was the only one Ryan felt comfortable confiding in.

He thought about what Luna was to him.

Luna's appearance changed his life, she was special to him.

His mother was very strict, she would hit him and make him study. He still remembered all the days when she would lecture him nonstop on how he had to study and not hang out with others and waste his life.

He had always wanted to play with his friends in school but ever since he was a kid his mother would forcefully bring him back home and make him study.

He felt like he was caged and that he would never get out.

His father and mother never got along.

His father wanted him to practice archery while his mother wanted him to do nothing but be the perfect child she envisioned.

When Luna first came accompanied by her sister, everyone compared them, and so did he. He hated her and felt her existence itself was ridiculous.

She was by no means perfect, she had short hair which was ridiculous for a girl. Her hair was white like that of old people it felt like a joke to him.

All the girls made fun of her behind her back but she didn't seem to care, He thought she was dumb. She wore shorts, which made him question her sanity.

His mother warned him to not go near her, which he too agreed on.

Her sister seemed perfect, she had long black hair, a beautiful face, and was kind and compassionate.

He got close to Luna because he felt like rebelling, and he too was curious about this weird creature that popped up seemingly out of nowhere.

Many rumors were circulating about her in school and he too was interested in them. He learned she had been trying to get the boys to accept her so she could play football with them.

He had used that as an opportunity to talk to her, He proposed teaching her archery after seeing her interest in it.

First, he felt the discrimination from the boys the weird pick-me girl, and the stuck-up goody two shoes were now hanging out together.

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