27. madness.

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Draco tiptoed down the stairs to the girl's dorms, turned the doorknob slowly, creaked the door open, and slipped inside.

He held his breath, pressing himself flat against the wall. The room was pitch black, the curtains drawn at the window. Pausing, he let his eyes adjust. It was deathly still—he couldn't even breathe or risk being discovered. Suddenly bed closest to the door, Milicent's, shuddered as she snored, a thumping growl that filled the silence and thickened the air. He timed his steps to her loud breathing, using them as cover as he walked hesitantly into the room.

It was two o'clock in the morning, and all of the girls were asleep. Draco stared at Evan's bed, moving cautiously through the darkness, willing her to be there. He eyed Onyx carefully as he passed. Onyx was rolled onto her back, her head lolled over to look directly at him. He prayed to Merlin that she was not a light sleeper. Draco had his wand raised, in case he needed to make a cover of smoke in order to make a quick getaway.

Evan's bed curtains were closed. Draco walked cautiously up to them, holding his breath as he shifted the air near her bed. Once he was on the other side, out of sight and hiding behind her foreposter, he slowly stuck his wand in his pocket. Then, once he calmed himself down and his heart stopped racing, he stole himself and took the curtain hem softly in his hand. He swallowed, then pulled it back.

Draco released all of the breath from his lungs in one silent exhale of relief. There Evan was, lying on her side, completely cocooned in her comforter. She was turned away, but he traced his eyes on the back of her head, her hair, the nape of her neck. He listened to her breathe for a moment, his hand still on the curtain, then he let it drop silently back into place.

Draco scowled at her closed curtains, then departed the dormitory, closing the door softly behind him.

Once Draco knew that she had come home, and was not still partying in Gryffindor with Weasleys and Potters and the like—or, more over, wasn't in a dark corridor, helplessly crying as she pushed and thrashed against an unrelenting chest—Draco could finally sleep.

- - -

"Fuck you, what's wrong?" Evan asked the next day, sprinting to keep up with Draco as he walked to his next class.

"Not in the mood," he snapped, not even looking over at her. He picked up his pace, speeding down the corridor and hoping she would simply give up.

"I know this is about Fred, Draco. Could you. . . SLOW DOWN, JESUS FUCKING CHRIST!!!"

Draco did not slow down.

He had skipped breakfast, not wanting to see her. In fact, he hadn't gone down to the common room at all until everyone was gone, and even arrived late to his first class so as not to run into her in the corridors. But she had been waiting outside of the door when Charms ended, and was now right behind him as he hauled ass up another staircase.

"Damn right it's about Weaslebee, he touched what's mine," Draco growled straight ahead. He climbed the stairs urgently, hoping to find some other students at the top, so she would lay off. Unfortunately, though, the hallway was deserted when he ascended. He swallowed, glaring at the end of the corridor as if it had personally offended him. "I don't fucking share," he hissed, knowing that she was latching on to his every word, her panting breath a mere foot behind his ear. "And you never should have gone to that stupid fucking party."

Draco kept walking, passing through the hallway in a blur. His chest tightened, his voice rising as he elaborated. "I've been going mad for the past two days because I haven't had you, and I haven't been able to sleep next to you or with you, and that fucking piece of scum fucking touched you! And now?! You're in deep fucking shit!!" he yelled over his shoulder through gritted teeth.

Babygirl (SEQUEL to Fuckboy - Draco Malfoy)Where stories live. Discover now