15. sex ed.

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When Draco woke up the next morning, Evan was not there.

He sat up groggily, rubbing the sleep from his eyes. He looked down at the spot where Evan had been when he fell asleep. At first he was utterly indignant at her absence.

Then, Draco looked at the clock and realized it was half past eleven. He had missed both his morning classes, and Theodore was stepping out from the lavatories, having just taken a shower.

She was off the hook, this time.

- - -

"Did you figure it out?"

Draco turned around, dumbfounded when Astoria Greengrass walked toward him as he stood by the drink table.

"Figure what . . .?" he asked in alarm. Then, he remembered that he had requested to talk with her. "Shit . . . No," he mumbled, shaking his head. Draco looked beyond Astoria at Evan, sitting with Onyx on the couch. Theo and Blaise were facing them, chatting and smoking under the guise of doing homework.

Draco had completely forgotten that he asked Astoria to come and talk to him, as he needed her advice. It had been a few days since the longest day of his fucking life. In that time he had recovered a few brain cells, but clearly not all of them.

"So, what's this about?" Astoria asked of him, raising her cup to take a drink. She looked expectant, as if they should have the conversation by the drink table in the middle of the crowded common room.

Draco didn't even want to be having the conversation at all.

"Not here," he said, shaking his head.

"Lead the way then, shady ass," Astoria laughed.

He didn't want to take her to his dormitory, because he didn't want to give her the wrong impression. They couldn't talk in her dormitory either, as it invited the same issue.

So, Draco walked over to the doorway to the dorms to talk in the short corridor between the stairs.

"So?" she asked when they were hidden behind the wall. Astoria leaned back, her arms crossed. Draco peeked around for witnesses, then took a deep breath.

"Look, I just need to ask you—"

Right as he was starting to form the words, Pansy Parkinson's head bobbed into his vision.

"Dear me," Pansy said with a sickening smile, walking up the stairs from the girl's dorms. She reached the bottom of the staircase as her lips curled in devious amusement. "Am I interrupting a lover's spat?"

"Oh, Pansy. . ." Astoria said with a fake grin, tilting her head in inspection. "Isn't it past your bedtime?"

It was only 7 pm. Draco stifled a laugh, pursing his lips together.

"Careful, Astoria," Pansy cooed as she passed by them to the entrance to the common room. She turned back and smiled hatefully at them both. "He'll give you fleas. Or worse."

"Oh how I'd love to pull that hair. . ." Astoria said as Pansy departed.

"Library?" Draco asked, craning his neck to make sure Parkinson had left.

"I could go for a stroll."

They ended up sitting in one of the aisles, talking in whispers so as not to alarm Madam Pince. The library was mostly empty, as it was the evening hours. Astoria's face was illuminated by the glow from the desk lamp, her eyebrows raised in expectation.

Draco cleared his throat awkwardly. "Okay. I'm not trying to rehash old shit . . . but I wanted to talk to you about . . . what happened—with you and I."

Babygirl (SEQUEL to Fuckboy - Draco Malfoy)Where stories live. Discover now