7. snitch.

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"Oi, Malfoy!"

Draco whipped around, directing his attention to Theo who was hovering several yards away across the Quidditch Pitch.

"Stop paying attention to what Zabini's doing!" Theo called. Draco tilted his head. "Focus on the Snitch!" Theo had his Quidditch Captain voice on, a curt tone which he reserved strictly for practices.

Draco furrowed his eyebrows, confused. He hadn't been paying attention to Zabini at all—in fact, he had to look around for several moments before he even found the bloke. But when he finally saw Blaise, taking a break and leaning over the bleacher rail to chat with the girls, Draco understood.

He hadn't been looking at Zabini. He'd been looking at Evan over Blaise's shoulder, as she had come with Pansy and Onyx to watch their Quidditch practice.

"Yeah!" Draco called to Theo, and leaned down onto his broom. He darted further down the pitch, speeding past Crabbe and Goyle who were practicing their batting swings on each other's heads.

Draco attempted to find the practice Snitch for a while, whizzing in and out of the spaces underneath the bleachers and the pitch structure. He circled the home goalposts a few times. But then he froze, hovering underneath the opposite goalposts and catching his breath.

Zabini had resumed his practice drills, throwing the Quaffle as Theo blocked the posts, so Draco didn't have to worry about either of them distracting him from his view.

Evan was not looking at Draco, as she was busy laughing with Onyx as Pansy told an exaggerated story of some sort. Draco flew closer to the bleachers, paused again, and stared. Evan looked up in recognition.

There was a light smile on her face as she looked back at him through the open air. Draco raised his eyebrows at her, asking an unspoken question.

Are you going to say yes? Are you going to let me have you?

Understanding this wordless plea, the goddess pursed her lips, attempted to drop her smile, then immediately turned back to Pansy. Draco saw Evan say something, and it must have been very funny because Pansy doubled over in laughter.

Evan darted her eyes to Draco again, a humorous chastisement in her expression. He smirked at her, blushing and feeling quite lightheaded.

He heard a buzzing sound by his right ear. Draco lifted his hand and snatched the Snitch from mid-air.

- - -

That night, after dinner, Draco lingered in a dark corridor outside of Slytherin. According to Onyx, Evangeline had taken a detour before returning to the dormitories, needing to discuss some odd job with Hagrid. Draco, as he had often done during the past week, took this opportunity into the palm of his hand.

When Evan rounded the corridor, Draco wrapped an arm around her waist and pulled her to the side.

"Jesus fuck," she hissed, holding a hand to her chest. Draco wasn't touching her, but was only a few inches away, huddled behind the corner.

"Good evening," he said, grinning at Evangeline.

"What now?" she whined.

It was not the first time he had done this—cornering her to speak in private. In fact, it had been almost a daily occurrence since the night of the Hufflepuff party.

"Done any thinking lately?" he teased, leaning his hand onto the wall beside her head.

Evan sighed. "Well, I was thinking about flesh eating slug repellant and how they might effect the mandrake crop."

Babygirl (SEQUEL to Fuckboy - Draco Malfoy)Where stories live. Discover now