Author's Note

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This story isn't meant to garner attention on Wattpad. I just want to put my stuff out there in hopes of ONE DEDICATED reader that might actually care about the world I've created. (Who knows? It might be you.)

Please try to pay attention to everything that's going on, because the story is plot-focused, character-focused, and (gasp) has a theme. 

No, you don't need to write an essay about this story's "deeper meaning". It is not literature. I don't want to bog you down by saying "oOOOoooh only the edUcATed eLItEs can pOsSiblY understand these dEEp thEmeS" like you can interpret the story however you want. If you want to just enjoy the surface-level stuff, there is nothing wrong with that.

And if you're confused, that's MY fault. Let me know if I need to clarify things.

If you're looking for tooth-rotting romance, this story has that, but if you want to forsake the plot... yikes. Shared trauma is super romantic, amiright?

(context for the image above is when I doodled Max and Sawyer while doing analysis of the poem "The Panther" - Rainer Maria Rilke. My thoughts?: Falling into despair, tbh.)

That's all I have to say so far. In the future, I'm coming back and adding more to this note. 

- The Author

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