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"And this was the last time you've seen him, correct?" The police officer asked a frantic Han, who nodded rapidly. The police officer questioned Han on when he found out Hyunjin was missing, the last time he spoke to him and saw him, and what moments happened that could've led up to this.

"And do you know his where abouts before he went missing?" The officer asked, jotting down any thing that came off as important on his mini note pad. "Y-i-yes! He works for the beverage company, you know the real popular one? Korea's best beverages. He- he usually worked the day shift, but he worked night shift just for one night...a-and now he's missing and.." Han broke down again.

"I-I'm sorry." Han mumbled, putting his head down and shaking a bit before turning around to walk to Minho who was talking to another officer out side the house.

Minho seemed to be in deep conversation with the officer, more than likely trying to dig out information from him that could help lead to where Hyunjin could be.

"Yes- he usually takes that route, and-" Minho cut his own self off when Han laid his head onto his back, just above his shoulder blades. It seems as if Han wasn't feeling all to well.

The officer talking to Minho sighed. It seems like this is all the information that they could get.

"Okay, so here's the deal. We'll send out a search party for your friend, if we can't find him in the first 24 hours then he's missing and we'll take proper care of searching for him. As for now, if you guys see anything, call my number." The officer handed Minho a blue sticky note of a number written on it.

Minho sighed, looking at the sticky note before turning around. "Come on Han, let's head inside. The officers have it taken care of..they'll find him." Minho patted Hans shoulder reassuringly, forcing Han to walk back to the house. Before Minho made it to the front door, he turned his head back and gave a glare to the officers, signaling that they better find Hyunjin, before shutting the front door.

The officer sighed, walking to his police car with his partner. "So, what're we gonna do?" The police officer who interviewed Han asked. The other one thought for a bit.

"We may have to get Jeongin involved, he's the best."


Hyunjin was propped up against the headboard of the bed, sitting in a butterfly position as he stared off into space in this dimly lit bedroom. This bedroom had a red tint to it, more than likely coming from an LED light hidden somewhere in the room. Hyunjin looked around, and noticed in the far left corner of the room was mirror, with a chair and desk. It looked old and vintage almost. Hyunjin turned his head to the right  of the room, and spotted the window.

The window had multiple boards nailed onto it, the blinds were thin and ripped up. There were so many boards on the window, and Hyunjin couldn't see the outside at all. It was like a black tape was put on the window before being boarded up, so Hyunjin wouldn't be able to tell what time of the day it was. So it was just him, in this red room, with a mirror.

Hyunjin didn't know how long it had been since the last encounter with this "Chan" person. Hyunjin just became more deader as time went on.

Hyunjin hated being alone for to long, the memories would come flooding back, memories of the past that Hyunjin wanted to be long forgotten.

"Mmm.." Hyunjin whined, bringing his legs closer to his chest as he remembered a certain event from the past. This memory was of his mom screaming at him, reminding him of how much a mistake he was and why he wasn't worthy. His mother always enjoyed to remind him of how his body would only be used for other people's pleasure. That's why Hyunjin believed his body was a curse, used only for people to pleasure themselves with.

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