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"You worthless piece of shit!" He yelled, throwing a glass bottle at the weak boy curled up in a ball on the floor.

"I-I'm so sorry.. p-please-" The boy begged, he couldn't take it anymore, his whole world was spinning as he saw nothing but black spots clouding his vision.

"I wish I could take you out of this world, that would be so nice. I wish I never ever had you! You're my biggest regret. You're the worst thing this world asked for! If God were to make a mistake, it'd be you."

The boy layed there, barely comprehending the harsh words coming out of his own father's mouth as his breathing was stalling.

"D-daddy.. please-"

The man approached the boy on the floor, hovering over his weak and small body. "I'm not your father. God wouldn't want me to be the father of a mistake that he created. Your bodies a mistake, and you know what mistakes are for? Their for getting used and tossed around." The boy shivered in fear at his words.

"Do you wanna see my friends again? Huh?" The man said with a devilish smirk on his face. The boys eyes widened. "No! Please, I'll do anything don't make me see them again, no please! Pleaseeee!" The boy begged in complete utter fear. His whole world was spinning with fear.

"That was never an option."


"No! Please, NO!"


The man grabbed the boys arm, and dragged him towards the door.


"Hwang Hyunjin!"

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Hyunjin shot up in bed, breathing heavily as sweat fell from his forehead. His hands were tightly grasped onto the blanket.

"Hyunjin?" A woman's voice called out. An older woman at that. Hyunjin slowly turned his head over to face his grandmother, who looked rather worried at Hyunjins state.

Hyunjin looked back down, making his hand face upward so he could look at the palm of his hand.

"Were you having a nightmare? Are you not taking your medication?" She asked in a more serious voice now. Hyunjin looked back up at his grandmother. "Yes, Nanny I took my medicine." Hyunjin said annoyed as he threw the blanket off of himself, standing up from the bed and walking to the closet. His grandmother's eyes narrowed at him. "Excuse me young man?"

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