I get clayed(with minimal dying too!)

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》* 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ Dream continued* 。° 。 •˚《

I was back in front of my ruined house, the fire still burning hot enough to scorch my face. The flames that engulfed my home flickered, like a beast waiting to strike. Then I realized the swaying of the fire was not at random. More humane movement could be seen through the orange light. The heat began to fade as the flames parted, revealing a figure standing several feet taller than me. I had no recognition of this man.

All I cared about was that this wasn't Bianca. Or Mama. Or Papa. I just wanted to be safe in their hold, but instead I'm to be antagonized by a murderous arsonist.

As it approached, I froze. At first I thought I couldn't move due to the fact that I was terrified enough to shit myself
But when I gathered myself to try to run, I found I truly had no control over my own limbs. My head was angled so I had no choice but to stare down the oncoming threat. The figure drew closer and closer until I was face to face with it. Or rather, him.

A sadistic chuckle, then: "Ah, a survivor I see."

The voice that spoke those words was like thunder. It was more of a presence in my mind rather than an audible sound. His words were enough to make me tremble despite whatever hold he has over me.

The man before me had pale, blond hair and a scar running up his face. He looked like no older than late teens, but I wasn't sure if beings who came out of fire aged. The worst part was his eyes. They were pure gold. The color in his irises seemed to move, as if the precious metal had been melted down and kept at high heat.

Apparently the being found my staring amusing, for he quirked an eyebrow at me, and I felt the force keeping me from moving lessen a bit.

He spoke. "You shall make a fine flesh vessel." He grinned widely. Maniacally. A smile only someone without their sanity could display. I trembled at the sight of it. And his words...

I opened my mouth in an attempt to respond, to fight back, but all that came out was a wheezing cough. Forget trying to speak, there was too much smoke in my lungs to take a proper breath of air.

The figure noticed my struggle and seemed to read my mind. "Nico di Angelo, my current form is wasting away, meaning I have to take a new one. And you just happen to be my only option."

Holy shit. What was he going to do? Snap my head back and take my soul? I realized I was overthinking it as he placed his hand on my forehead and dissolved, leaving behind a pile of ashes.

Where did he go?

Right here, Nico di Angelo.

I looked around frantically for the voice. It was so loud. Surely it was behind me or. . .

In your head, perhaps? I could still hear the malice in his voice, despite that I could no longer see the speaker.

No, no, NO!


I heard a sound. Was he growling? Shut up! Before other humans come after us!

I want other humans to come after me!

They can't help you now, not after a complete possession.

I couldn't take it anymore. I started sobbing. Terrible body wracking sobs that left me lying on the ground curled in a ball. The magic that held me place had completely dissipated, but I didn't want to move. I just wanted my family.

When the World Falls [UNDER EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now