CHAPTER 7: No Secrets Kept.

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Later that night, when it was time for the heroes to go to bed, Pentellow pulled Cyanide aside.
"Hey, Cyanide, you don't mind if I ask you a few questions before you go to sleep, do you?"
"Not at all." Cyanide responded.

Pentellow sighs.
"So... first off.. did you and Cubic go out anywhere last night..?"
"Yeah, we went to a house in the Poly Forest." She answered."
"Did Cubic tell you to do anything..?" Pentellow then asked.
Cyanide began to answer without hesitation, in a monotone yet calm voice.
"He told me to hold down a female pentagon that looked just like you, while he sawed her brother and father in half, pulling out their intestines and taking them for himself I assume."

The fact that Cyanide admitted that not only Cubic had in fact killed her cousin's brother and her uncle, but also that she assisted him brought absolute shock to Pentellow, but Pentellow thought again about how Cyanide was affected by the lobotomy, and just did what people told her to do. This made her realize that Cyanide can be used for anything, including an assistant to a murder.
"...Okay.. thank you for answering honestly. You can go to bed now."
Cyanide walked into the bedroom that the heroes were sleeping in, and shut the door.

Pentellow began to plot revenge, and waited until everyone was asleep.
After she made sure nobody was awake, she approached Cube's room, and to her advantage, he had left the door unlocked, allowing her to sneak in. At this point, Pentellow didn't care weather it was Cube or Cubic anymore. She wanted him GONE.

She loomed over his bed, waiting for the moment his neck is exposed, and began to strangle him. Of course this woke him up, as he began to try to fight her off of him. The commotion woke up Iris and Pyrare, and they went to go check.
"What the hell is going on- LEMON PIE..!!" Iris rushed to try to get her off of Cube. Pyrare assisted in separating the two by picking up Cube.
"Whoa whoa whoa...!! Break it up you two, what's the issue?!"

Pentellow tried to get out of Iris's arms, grabbing the air at Cube.
"W..what do you mean..?! I've been in my room all day last night..!" Cube cried in a shaky voice."
"How do you know that...? I mean it could be another corrupted cube for all we know." Pyrare said, trying to defuse the situation.
"CYANIDE TOLD ME EVERYTHING." Pentellow responded.

The room went dead silent for a minute before Iris spoke out.
" she just told you?"
"Yes Iris. She told me, just straight up, without any hesitation. Now, let me at him."

"I didn't know, okay...?! I don't know what my corruption does nor can I control it.." Cube tried to explain as he sobbed hysterically."

"If that's the case... Cubic is becoming too much of a threat for you to be on your own, Cube." Pyrare said. "He's already tried to kill us, got Cyanide lobotomized, and then killed two of Pentellow's relatives. We're going to have to put a seal on you until we can finally get rid of Cubic."
"That's fair..." Cube replied.

Pentellow calmed down a little, and began to cry in Iris's arms.
"I'm sorry.... I'm just... I..." She sobbed as she couldn't finish her sentence.
"I know lemon pie..." Iris said, hugging her tight and patting her on the back softly.
"I promise... I won't let him hurt anyone else... nor will I let him hurt you."

Cubic's Slaughterhouse (A Pink Corruption Horror Fanfiction) BOOK 1Where stories live. Discover now