the one where the story begins

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Aditya had cleared UPSC when he was 23 itself some called him lucky ,some said Paisa hai toh kya kuch nahi hota, only him and people close to him knew how hard working was him , he used to study for his degree classes and used to study for civils too..some days he studied around the clock. He didn't knew whether he'll clear that exam or get his own state cadre, all he knew was to give his best to the civils exam.
As said Aditya shankar was a hardworking person, disciplined, thoda sa introvert bhi tha...
He was the newly appointed commissioner for one of the biggest city in the state, he had heard that the was a lot of bribe system , corruption in his jurisdiction. He wasn't that much worried about that his thoughts were that he has to do good work and maintain his ethics, that's all.
Fiy, his ethics meter was kinda pointing towards ideal so you'll see what challenges he'll have both with his work and his Janaki....
Aditya got all settled in Bangalore, his residence was the district commissioner residence which is around 50 yrs old building but was magnificent and beautiful but quite big for a bachelor guy😉

Janaki was an easy going girl , serious about her education but not like hard hit, she loves her gym sessions, first born so kuch zyada independent hai.
She wasn't the best looking girl in the room but she. Always made her presence noticable sometimes by just being clumsy😂😉.Her father was an inspector so a bit strict and disciplined person, she had got used to that kind of behaviour,
She likes he subject but not as much as her lone time or nap time .
Just like our hero our heroin also had few heart breaks 💔, she had hard time to get over someone she loved to the core so did Aditya, probably till now this is the only similarity between them I guess...

Geeta had to  visit her brother but decided to go after a week so that he'll be all settled in his office and his aree under. One Saturday Geeta and Janaki were bored of their computer work and thesis writing not to mention they were heading nowhere in their thesis since last few weeks, Geeta thought it's good to visit her brother finally and asked Janaki to join here, somehow Janaki knew a lot about Aditya and he didn't knew even she existed, the irony 🙄.
Sometimes even when Geeta had mentioned her while talking to him in call he wouldn't ask much about the details of her friends.
They both (Geeta and Janaki) decided to take metro and then auto from the nearest station as it would be convenient and time saving.

Janaki was not excited to see or meet Aditya, even she knew he won't know about her and that irked her pride and she had a belief that Aditya was an arrogent ass sometimes even Geetha agreed with her, today she had to go with Geetha how could she abandone her she went with her just for her .
They reached their destination, Aditya was also waiting for his little sister to come.At the entrance the gaurds stopped them and after verifying Geetha they were let inside, it was the moment when Janaki and Aditya shankar were about to meet each other in person for the first time even thou Janaki had seen him a lot many times.
Janaki's phone rings it was her guide, she told Geetha to go inside and she would join her in few minutes and went to attend the call. Aditya was waiting to see Geetha after a quiet long time because of her exams his posting and all, he was very happy to she her. He didn't expected the she would be accompanied by her friend but he was like ok with that but Janaki didn't come inside for a good long time but he saw her through his living room window, she had turned to his opposite side and he couldn't see her face.
Aditya didn't forget to notice that she a long hair not too long also not too short, her hair was deep black he wondered that how has she maintained that deep black hair. She hadn't tied her hair and just had a clawclip hairstyle which made her hair wave along with the breeze making her look beautiful.She was wearing a simple in actual words a lazy outfit like just a baggy jeans and crop top with a scarf. Aditya was just not able to take his eyes of her , her hair her peaking waist her style of walking, her hands playing with her hair all these made him awestrucked, he didn't recognise what he was doing till Geetha called him from the kitchen.
Janaki had to leave, her guide had called that an internship was being offered to the PhD students which will help them in future to get jobs, she texted Geetha from outside and just left for her university.
Geetha later called her and got all the information she took a sigh of relief as Janaki had handled it for her.

Aditya -A
G- Anna how was your training and probationary period till now, are you able to cope up with these political pressure?
A-  the training was fantastic and our stay at Mussoorie was wonderful. As far as these pressure I'm handling it well, let's see what happens!!
A- who was she??
G- who is whom?
A- that girl who came with you and just left you behind without saying proper goodbye 🤨
G- (laughs) Anna she's my friend Janaki, she's the I used to tell you about but you are never interested to know my social life, are you?!
A- haha ok ok and your social butterflies..let it be
G- Her name is Janaki, my friend we are doing our PhD together under the same guide.
A- Janakiiii...nice name but isn't it pretty old name?!..still good . But why did she left you suddenly?
G- our guide called and one of us had to be their, and government outsourced internship has come up and some of use are quite eligible for that so she had to go on behalf of us.
A- oh good, will you stay here tonight? I have taken a leave so I can take you out, it's been a long time since we went out .
Let's have a brother sister moment, what do you say?
G- ok Anna, anyway it was boring since the whole day, I can take a day break 😁

Janaki was sitting in metro, she thought that it was a good thing that she didn't meet Aditya, but she was still thinking about him. His name Aditya shankar pretty good name a little old-school but quite good, she thought. She had seen some news about him in TV and paper since he took charge as commissioner of Bangalore ,her father was also insisting that she should also try to get into civil services but she wasn't that sure about it so she left it to fate. She had a belief that "if it's meant to be it will be ".

Later that day, Aditya and Geetha went for outing, then he took his sister to shopping after a long time, they indeed had bro sis moment after a long time 🫶.

With love, Lizzie

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