The slap - ian 2023

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Me and Ian got in a argument about my 'tone' during a video and had to take it off set

"That's not even what I meant!" I say yelling at him

"Well it sure sounded like it." He walked over to me

"You know I wouldn't call you ugly, Why did you think I would?" I say genuinely feeling bad

"ITS YOUR FUCKING TONE." he yells in my face

"Ian I swear to god if you don't just admit that you heard it wrong I'm gonna slap you across the face" I rolled my eyes

"YEAH? I dare you." He looks me in the eyes and steps closer to me

"I will slap you."  I laugh putting my hand near his cheek

"dont be a pus-"
I cut him off lightly slapping him

He looks at me and smirks

"I told you I would." I said

"I was hoping you would..." he said turning his anger into a emotion I can't quite figure out

"and why exactly would you want me to slap you?" I furrow my eyebrows in confusion

"because I wanted to feel your hands on my face..." he says in a low voice

"Ian..." I say feeling butterflies in my stomach

I've tried to ignore the feelings I have had for him for months but this was my last straw.

"You know, if you slapped me harder I wouldn't even be mad." He said biting his lip briefly

"Yeah?" I said forgetting everything that we were just fighting about

"Go ahead baby let your anger out." He said

The nickname told me that what I'm about to do isn't going to get me fired

I bring my hand up slapping him across the face, sure to leave a mark.
Before he could say anything I move my hands up to cup his face, bringing him into a kiss.

He hums into my mouth in what I think is shock and arousal, I pull away after a few seconds

"and what was that for?" He asks

"For making me yell at you" I smile

"maybe I need to make you yell at me more often then..." he says pulling me into a deeper kiss

He groans into the kiss, moving his hands towards my hips and I move my hands to his cheeks, feeling the stubble on his jaw.

He pulls away
"y/n I need you, right now." He says desperately

"Ian I don't know..." I look around for anyone nearby that could hear

"Please." He practically begs

"Okay" I said and he grabbed my hand and guided me to a nearby closet

He pulled me in and shut the door making sure to lock it, I turned around and saw hardware and electrical stuff

"We're gonna have to make this quick, we're supposed to be on set right now" I said

"I can do that." He said unzipping his pants and pulling them down to his ankles

"I can't believe I'm gonna have sex with Ian hecox right now" I just shake my head in disbelief

"believe it baby" he said licking his lips and quickly pulling his boxers down

I gasp maybe out of shock and eagerness by seeing that he's completely huge

"What?!" He says looking down at his junk

"I wasn't expecting you to be hung" I said analyzing his dick

He just scoffs as he kicks off his pants and boxers onto the ground, I unbutton my jeans also pulling them down and kicking them onto the floor

"Are you ready?" He asks guiding me to the nearest wall

"Never been more ready." I said running my hands through his hair

He rubs his hands over my thighs lifting one up near his hip and uses the other hand to run his middle and index finger across my panties over my heat.

"Fuck" I say under my breath

He pushes my panties to the side and starts sliding his fingers through my folds

"oh your so wet" he says biting his lip

I move my hand from his head to my mouth stifling the moan I almost let out.

He started to push his middle finger into my hole and I moaned into my own hand

"Shhh" he lightly laughs pumping his finger inside me slowly

I hear him let out a groan and I move my hands from my mouth to kiss him, I slide my hands down to his cock and he vibrated my mouth with the groan he let out.

He's still working his finger inside my hole, while I'm jerking him off.

He pulls away from the kiss quickly
"Enough of this bullshit I need to be inside of you" he says guiding his dick to my entrance

I bite my lip really hard, preparing myself for the moan I might let out, he pushes the tip in and I lean my head against the wall and squeeze my eyes shut.

He pushes halfway as tears threaten to pour out,
"Your doing amazing y/n" he says rubbing my cheek softly

I smile with my eyes shut still trying to get used to the feeling down there, after a little while he finally pushes all the way in and the pain turns into pleasure real quick.

"go Ian." I signaled to him and he started slowly pumping himself into me

He grips my thigh that he's holding up a little harder, he starts to pick up the pace.

I let out a not very silent moan and he takes his hand and covers my mouth.

He rams back into me getting closer to his release, I can tell because his strokes are getting sloppier and his breaths are getting heavier by the second, I feel my own climax close too.

"shiiitttt" he moans out and his eyes roll back

I feel him coat me with one last pump inside of me which made me cum at the same time and I moan into his hand.

He slowly removes his hand from covering my mouth and sets my leg back down on the floor

"That was amazing..." I said out of breath

"I think you need to slap me more often..." he smirks

"I think so too" I say bringing him into a tired kiss

After we got dressed we got out of the closet and walked back to set, I tried to fix my hair and makeup to the best of my abilities so hopefully nobody notices anything.

We walk onto set and immediately everyone looks at us

"You guys sort out the problem?" Shayne asks

"Yeah she was right" he says sitting down on the couch

"Of course I was" I smile and sit next to him

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