Chapter 1

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The way the air smelled was different here. Even though the ocean was the same, the heat of the sand changed the scent of the sea into something aware and alive, like it knew that we were new to this side of the world. Blue shifts underneath me, sensing my unsettled thoughts as he always did and giving me an annoyed head toss in response, the warm Australian sunlight turned the silver tips of his mane a shiny gold.

"I know I know, we wouldn't be here at all if Summer wasn't so good at getting her way."

My gelding snorts at the mention of my cousin's name, once again throwing his head up to the sky and throwing in an impatient stomp for good measure, the sharpened toes of his hooves slicing through the beach like warm butter.

"You're right, enough talk, we came out here to ride."

With that I release the grip I have on his reins, the leather catching on the rubber grip on my gloves. He surges forward, long legs eating up the ground without effort. My toes flex in my boots, excitement coursing through me as it always did when I spent any time on horseback. After a few minutes of allowing Blue to warm himself up, I point the roan down the beach, my intent clear in the way he pricks his ears forward and arches his neck, nearly invisible clouds of steam blowing out of his nostrils. Not too far in the distance, a group of girls in brightly colored wet suits jog down from the road to the ocean, surfboards held tightly in their arms. A pack of boys follow close behind, similarly equipped but too busy messing about in the sand to notice their female counterparts ditching them for the morning surf.

"We'll stop before we hit them, yeah?" I breathe out to Blue, not entirely sure he was listening. I steady myself in the saddle, grabbing a safe handful of mane and twisting my fingers in deep.

In one explosive second, we are airborne, charging down the beach at my favorite all-consuming speed. Blue's hoofbeats galloped along in my head, my eyes squeezing shut to protect against the stinging salt of the surf. His breathing echoes my own, too pent up by joy to think about being tired or slowing down. I loved this so much more than the endless competitions we'd competed in throughout my life, more than the long days of practice and constant workouts in the gym. This was where I was meant to be, even if I was disappointingly far away from home.

"Hey! Watch out!" Summer's panicked yell spurs Blue into shying sideways, his forward motion abruptly ceasing and sending me nearly careening over a silvery shoulder. I instinctively reaching a hand out to calm him and brush wind-whipped hair out of my eyes.

"Well nice to meet you too," a voice that was definitely not Summer had me peeling my eyes open, pink hair and an amused smirk filling my vision.

"Bax, this is Rowan...and Blue," Summer grins up at me, stepping past the tattooed surfer to rest a calm hand on my horse. The heat of embarrassment starts to warm my cheeks at the realization that everyone was staring at me.

"Uh, hi guys, I didn't realize we'd made it this far down the beach already." Blue nudges Summer with his head, nearly shoving the girl over and prompting a startled laugh out of her.

"Sorry bud, no pockets in this suit for treats."

"He doesn't need any treats, he's a pig enough as it is with the way you feed him at home," I counter, earning a handful of grins from those who knew Summer well enough to know that she indeed spoiled everything with her love.

"You guys go ahead and catch some breaks, I'm gonna catch up with Ro," Summer plants her board in the sand, eyes lingering on the bare back of a certain blond-haired boy as he heads out into the water.

"So I guess that's all cleared up huh?" I tease, kicking my feet out of my stirrups and letting my feet dangle to the sides.

"Yeah, kinda," Summer muses. "We still have some things to figure out."

"Well I guess its hard when there's two of them."

"What?" She turned confused eyes on me, cocking her head to the side.

"Mr. Bax couldn't take his eyes off you I noticed," she shakes her head almost immediately, dismissing the thought before it had the chance to form.

"We kind of had a thing last summer, but I was still in love with Ari and I was just a way to piss off his sisters. We definitely weren't healthy for each other."

I nod, remembering her stories of Nationals last year when she visited me in LA for Christmas during my show circuit.

"But he's single now..." She trails off teasingly, eyebrows raised high on her forehead.

"Dude no! You know that's not in the cards for me. I don't date pyro bad boys anyway, he's not my type."

"On the contrary, I'm everyone's type." The pink-haired Aussie cuts in smoothly, a self-satisfied smirk resting comfortably on his face. He shakes his head, pink curls spraying seawater high into the air. He must have snuck up the beach while we weren't watching, surprisingly quiet for being as tall as he is. I cut an accusing glare at my horse, the gelding cocking one ear at the sound of Bax's voice but making no other move. 

Some watchdog you are.

"Anyway Torres, I've been sent in by your Goldy to please beg you out to surf with him, he misses your lovely presence." Bax's eyes center themselves on my cousin, the smirk on his lips softening into something far more gentle. I watch their interaction for a curious second before glancing down at my hands, the skin beneath my gloves starting to sweat due to the sun beginning to beat down from the cloudless sky.

"Hey yeah I should get going, Blue's gonna overheat if we don't get out of this sun soon and I'm not looking much better."

"I hate to butt in but, I think you look positively delicious." This time ocean eyes were tilted in my direction, the salty smirk back into place. I roll my eyes, waving a quick goodbye to Summer and directing Blue back down the beach to the equestrian center. Summer, in the wild way she is, shouts her farewell down the beach at me, causing many an onlooker to crane their necks in my direction. I wasn't always proud of the seemingly endless energy my heart horse possessed, but it helped me now when I pushed him faster down the beach towards the equestrian center. 

Surviving the Surfer// Bax Radic x OCWhere stories live. Discover now