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Celine said her goodbyes to her friends and returned home with her family. Aunts, uncles, and a few cousins joined in the celebration of her graduation. After spending hours together, playing games and enjoying each other's company in the living room, Celine decided it was time to call it a night. She retreated to her room, where an unexpected source of comfort awaited.

Upon entering, Binx dashed toward her, weaving through her legs and affectionately rubbing his face against her. A warm smile formed on Celine's face, but as she connected with Binx, an overwhelming surge of emotions hit her. Tears welled up in her eyes, and she realized just how emotionally charged this day had been.

Leaning down, she scooped up Binx, embracing the small creature that always seemed to understand her feelings. In the quiet of her room, she poured out her heart to the feline friend, talking about her day and the unspoken ache she felt. Though she knew Binx likely couldn't comprehend her words, she cherished the solace he provided.

As she spoke, Binx responded with comforting purrs, seemingly attuned to her emotions. The room held a serene atmosphere, disrupted only by a soft knock on her door. "Mija? ¿Sigues despierta?" [Are you still awake?] her mom inquired.

Celine wiped away a tear, took a deep breath, and replied, "Sí, mamá."

Her mom entered the room, her eyes filled with concern. "¿Cómo estás, mi amor?" [How are you, my love?] she asked, sitting down on the edge of the bed, a mother's intuition sensing the underlying tension in Celine's demeanor.

Celine nodded, the tears threatening to spill over. "Sí, mamá, solo estoy un poco emocional hoy. Extraño a Hassan, y pensé que estaría aquí." [Yes, mamá, I'm just a little emotional today. I miss Hassan, and I thought he would be here.]

Her mom embraced her, understanding flooding her gaze. "Las relaciones a larga distancia pueden ser difíciles, cariño. Pero Hassan tiene responsabilidades, y sabes que te ama mucho. Tal vez hubo algo que lo retuvo." [Long distance relationships can be difficult, cariño. But Hassan has responsibilities, and you know he loves you very much. Maybe there was something that held him back.]

Celine hugged Binx a little tighter. "Lo sé, mamá. Pero hoy era importante para mí, y él prometió que estaría aquí." [I know, mamá. But today was important to me, and he promised he would be here.]

She gently rubbed Celine's back. "Las promesas a veces se ven obstaculizadas por la realidad, mija. Dale tiempo." [Promises are sometimes hindered by reality, mija. Give it time.]

Celine nodded, taking in her mom's words. "Sí, mamá, lo intentaré." [Yes, mamá, I'll try.]

Her mom smiled, giving her a gentle kiss on the forehead. "Ahora, trata de descansar. Mañana es un nuevo día." [Now, try to rest. Tomorrow is a new day.]

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