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"Love looks not with the eyes but with the mind; and therefore the winged cupid  painted blind"

"What is this , what kind of indiscipline behavior is this?
Where is your captain,  it's been 30 minutes why he is not present here "
PE coach growled frustratedly..

"Omg !! Ha huff huff......
It's so tiring nobody was there in hall ..I think they all are in basketball court , somebody pranked with me ....
I won't spare that girl"
Jungkook roamed whole 8th floor and finally reached the court ..but he didn't find anyone there .....and suddenly his phone buzzed 

"Hey Jungkook where are you bro is getting angry ..come fast to main ground , I am calling you secretly from washroom....reach fast "
Eunwoo tried his best to save his friend, he kept his cell phone along with him only .

"OK just few minutes,  I am reaching"

"Welcome Mr.jeon finally after enjoying with your girls you got the time to focus for your match , Innocent TAEHYUNG  was telling me about your deeds when I told him to pass the information to you.....that you won't respect teachers, time ...
How can you be so irresponsible,  you are here after 40 minutes..."
When jungkook reached there started bursting on him ...his so called friends were also there .

"Sir taehyung gave me wrong information"
Jungkook tried to tell the truth .

"Oh shut up jeon ! Don't bring that Innocent kitten ...he can't do anything like this ...
He is the most discipline boy I have ever seen ...and you won't be the captain for 2 matches , Suho will lead you all it clear'on go for continous dribbling part .and you jeon you will run 10 round. Of this grounds ! Is it clear .."
Well coach can never listen anything bad about his sweet child tae

Each student started thier practice meanwhile jungkook was covering his rounds ...whereas in his mind there was something else was going on ..he was very very furious ..if he gets anyone at this time he will burst out like black cirrus clouds bursts.

After 30 minutes thier practices session was over ..but not for jungkook..he was still running...and was at ground his all friends had left , few for eating, few to go home as most of the classes was over ..students started heading out of college .

"I heard today coach Sunghoon punished that jungkook..ha haaa it's so fun jimin He thought he can cross my way ....idiot , brat! Wow today I will treat you ...I am going near the car you also come okkkkkk ....
Yaaahhh I am so happy "
Tae while changing his sports uniform said these ...and walked out as jimin has to go and meet professor kim for his assignments ..

"Okk tae wait for me ...I will be reaching fast near parking area ! "
Jimin shouted from back

Jungkook was taking shower in college washroom as he was all drenched with sweat  , his mind didn't left tae for single minutes .

"Hey let's make tae suffer , as what he did with jungkook,  he should be punished"
Mark jungkook's badguy grp member said .

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