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  "He was his DARK FAIRYTALE ,&
He was his TWISTED FANTASY....
Together they made a great magic "

Without knowing the upcomings..two hearts were buzzed...few new feelings arising,  night was witnessing the new story ....moon was ready with thier shine to bestowed upon the couple ....soft and white snow had started falling ..Streets were mostly emptying, why wouldn't it was midnight with clock striking 12:40 am ..and there stood...

JEON JUNGKOOK with taehyung in his arms ...,

As jungkook moved out of that fucking bar , he was starlted of what he did , like the person whom he envy most is now engulfed in his own arms ., his mind was giving him thousand of thoughts ..what should he do now ...taehyung who was fully drunk not in his senses ..jungkook too was little bit drink .

He forcefully made taehyung stand on his legs..while taehyung was only trying to open his eyes as it  kept on falling ..Tae wasn't able to stand properly ..he was wiggling ..and continously making grabby hands towards jungkook.

Jungkook shook taehyung hardly and asked " When you can't handle why you drank this much idiot...give me ...listen give me your phone so that I can call your shorty friend"

Well his voice was of no use to kim Taehyung..he was lost in his own little world jungkook completed his sentence...waiting for answer ...Taehyung only raised his hands in order to get carried up again ,
Jungkook sighs out  he can't avoid the most cutest scene going infront of him right now .

Jungkook saw Taehyung's car parked outside the bar in parking area along with his own ..Jungkook knows he can't drive car in this state , nor jungkook can take taehyung to his own home he himself doesn't want to see his home .
Neither he can take taehyung to kim mansion,  jungkook knows there will be lot of questions which he don't want to answer right now .

He lost with all his thoughts and picked taehyung again who was continously making grabby hands , taehyung immediately wrapped his legs in jungkook's torso and hide his face in crook of jungkook's neck , somehow it gave taehyung the rechargeable power , taehyung felt safe , as if sea finds its shore ...

Jungkook hassitatily checked Taehyung's pocket for Taehyung's phone so that he can inform jimin to come and pick him from here .But he didn't find anything.
Dominant boy heard few mumblings near his neck only to find Taehyung was praying something...God himself don't know what ...

At the best time weather blessed the couple more appealingly..snow started to fall ..Streets were getting empty ...meanwhile jungkook was still standing at footpath near that same bar ..holding taehyung very preciously.
He saw a mortel not that luxurious as his choice but was needed at this moment .It wasn't that far from the bar so he decided to walk still holding sleeping beauty.

Denied, mocked ,jeered,the unfinished and raw emotions started to strengthen there grip ,the love to be reminisced ,was indeed bestowed by the magenta hue,the angels skulking as snow falls, for the dark and tormented yet sugary and ,and devastingly closeness,.

And so with the moonlight;
And the great bursts of leaves ..
Growling on the trees , just as the things grows fast in movies ....
One had that familiar conviction,  that life was beginning again with today's night .......

Young CEO reached the mortel ...with beauty engulfed in his arms , secured from the outer world ..without any care of the crime ...

It was indeed an elegant mortel very fit for romantic couples , well for few it was also famous for honeymoon dulex well as family enchantings , known for it's decent works ,hotel was engraved with the golden hordings with PARADISE written on it .

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