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He stopped at his spot and start licking his lips after one minute silent finally he said "hyung I have some work outside, i will be back before evening" ...

"Ok, take care of yourself "jin said and went back to the study room.


Meanwhile in Mingyu's house:-

"I don't like her , how can she do that "mingyu's mom said..

"Mee too , i have doubts about her from the start" mingyu's dad said

"Shut up ,you are the one who is believing her so much"mingyu's mom said and rolled her eyes ....

"I thought she is victim but "mingyu's dad said ...

how can you think she is victim like look at her face "mingyu's mom said ..

"Yes she is bitch"mingyu's father said ..

Yn nodded faintly ...

In these 2 days yn tried to leave the mingyu's home but his parents don't want it , they wanted more time to spend with her, as yn also so weak so they request yn not to go in the end she agrees with them cuz she also don't wanted to upset or disrespect them .

Yn was watching a historical drama on tv with mingyu's mom and dad and was eating popcorn , they all three having too much fun as mingyu's parents always wanted a daughter and now they are treating her with so much love ...

"Watch you words honey , we have kid here " mingyu's mom said ...

"Hehe , I am sorry , I was totally into a drama that i forget" mingyu's dad said ...

Mingyu's mom sighed....

"It's ok uncle not a problem"yn said without turning a glance from the tv ...

Then door bells rings :ding dong ...

The bell rang 3 , 4 times but no one went to open the door as they are so much focoused on tv ..

"Honey, go open the door"mingyu's father said and grab some popcorn and started eating ..

"Why should I go ,you go"mingyu's mom said ..

Yn sighed and said " ok i'm going to open the door"..

"Ynieee you don't have to kid ,sit down your uncle will go" mingyu's mom said and glare at her husband ..

Mingyu's father stood up and sighed and went to open the door "why always me ?" he mumbled and made a pout ...

He opened the door "

Hello uncle "

Hello kids "

"Appa they want to meet yn"mingyu said ...

"Ohh come inside kids she is inside" mingyu's father said and welcomed them inside ....

"Kiddo look who came to meet you"mingyu's father said and grabbing their attention ...

Lisa runs toward yn and hugs her "Are you ok swetiee?"

Yes I am all ok ,stop crying babe "yn said .

Lisa broke the hug and start hitting her "you bitch ,how should you dare to drop out without telling me ,you a££hole , you fucking motherrf****"Lisa said without thinking about others ...

Mingyu's mother holds her mouth with her hands ,she remembered she scolded her husband a little bit ago cuz he cursed infront of the yn (the kid) and now ....

"Babe stop everyone is looking at us ". Yn said and frowned her eyes .

Lisa froze on her spot and uttered "oops" she close her eyes and asked for forgiveness to all .

Why Me ?(My Brothers Hates Me)Where stories live. Discover now